Sans fonts with at least 8 styles available on Google Fonts are compared here; those with 4-7 styles are compared here. This page compares those with 2-3 styles, which means that you might not be able to use bold, italic, or bold italic. It's probably best to use a font with more styles for your main text; these might be better for titles or short pieces of content. Same with the fonts that have only a single style, which are compared here.

Condensed Fonts

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (BenchNine)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Open Sans Condensed)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Pragati Narrow)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (PT Sans Narrow)

Wider Fonts

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Syncopate)

Squarish Fonts

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Geo)

Squarish Parentheses

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Ropa Sans)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Monda)

Darker Fonts

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Chau Philomene One)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Montserrat Subrayada)

Loopy L's

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Jaldi)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Oxygen - 3 styles)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Mina)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (ABeeZee)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (PT Sans Caption)

Regular L's

Thicker Weight

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Magra)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Arya)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Asul)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sarala)

Regular Weight

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (News Cycle)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Padauk)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Play)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Alef)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Miriam Libre)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sintony)

Three Styles

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sunflower - 3 styles)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Gudea - 3 styles)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Ruda - 3 styles)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Nanum Gothic - 3 styles)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Amiko - 3 styles)

Seemingly Monospaced

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Lekton)

The glyphs are 'trispaced.' It means that the space are modular, 250, 500, 750, this allow a better spacing between characters, but allow also a vertical alignment similar to the one possible with a monospaced font. We were thinking it was a bright new idea, but we discovered that was usual for Olivetti typewriters working with 'Margherita.'