Sans fonts with at least 8 styles available on Google Fonts are compared here; this page compares the fonts with 4-7 styles available.

Noto Sans

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Noto Sans)

When text is rendered by a computer, sometimes there will be characters in the text that cannot be displayed, because no font that supports them is available to the computer. When this occurs, small boxes are shown to represent the characters. We call those small boxes “tofu,” and we want to remove tofu from the Web. This is how the Noto font families got their name.
The Noto Sans font is a great choice if you need to display a wider character range than the average English text requires. Different versions support Japanese, Chinese, and Korean character sets.


Hind is a collection of fonts for languages with neat scripts that I haven't yet studied: Tamil (Hind Madurai), Bengali (Hind Siliguri), Telugu (Guntur), Gujarati (Hind Vadodara), and Devanagari (the base Hind font). If you need to display characters from these languages, Hind would be a good choice.

The Mukta font supports Devanagari, Gujarati, and Tamil, as well as Gurumukhi. Telugu is supported in the super-tiny Chathura font.

Square Fonts

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Orbitron)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sarpanch) -- can't tell A's from O's

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Khand)

Condensed Fonts

Super Tiny Font

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Chathura)


A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Teko)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Yanone Kaffeesatz)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Oswald)


A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cuprum)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Roboto Condensed)


A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Economica)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Marvel)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Dosis)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Advent Pro)

Lighter Fonts

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Thasadith)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Rajdhani)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Quicksand)

Darker Fonts

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Signika)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Amaranth)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Palanquin Dark)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Mitr)

Swoop L's


A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Athiti)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Jura)


A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cabin Condensed)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Rambla)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Signika Negative)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (PT Sans)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cambay)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Changa)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Quantico)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (B612)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Biryani)

Top Swoop L's

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Philosopher)

Set A

A Bit Lighter Weight

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Arsenal)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Assistant)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Mada)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Tajawal)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cairo)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Quattrocento Sans)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Khula)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Maven Pro)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Karla)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cantarell)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (M PLUSRounded 1c)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (M PLUS 1p)

A Bit Darker Weight

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Yantramanav)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Rosario)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Puritan)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Palanquin)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Scada)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Arimo)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Heebo)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Istok Web)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Martel Sans)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Nobile)