This page demonstrates Serif fonts with 2-3 styles available on Google Fonts. If you need a font with the most basic styles (Bold, Italic, and Bold Italic), this should help you pick out a font sufficient for your purposes.
For fonts with eight or more styles, check here. For fonts with 4-7 styles, check here
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cinzel)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Scheherazade)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Kreon)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Merriweather)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Lusitana)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Judson)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Linden Hill)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Fanwood Text)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Arapey)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sahitya)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (David Libre)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Buenard)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Mate)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Glegoo)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (IM Fell DW Pica)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (IM Fell Double Pica)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (IM Fell Great Primer)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (IM Fell English)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (IM Fell French Canon)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sorts Mill Goudy)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cardo)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Old Standard TT)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Nanum Myeongjo)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Quattrocento)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Rosarivo)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Radley)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sura)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Poly)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Kameron)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Enriqueta)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Inika)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Rufina)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Source Serif Pro)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Bitter)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Domine)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sanchez)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Tienne)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Libre Baskerville)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Crete Round)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Kadwa)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Coustard) -- broke when making title, yikes!
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (PT Serif Caption)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Stoke)
A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Sumana) -- a Devanagari font
I really have no idea why this font has such a high margin between the lines, but it doesn't play nicely next to other fonts. It does appear that it's a Devanagari font, set up for that script, which is nice if you need to display that form of writing.