Bigger Fonts

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Roboto Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Overpass Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cousine)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (IBM Plex Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Space Mono)

I'm liking IBM Plex Mono and Cousine -- Cousine for a simpler font, easier for young readers.

Small or Thin

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Nanum Gothic Coding)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Inconsolata)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Anonymous Pro)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Cutive Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (VT323)

Cutive looks good for keyboard input/output (kbd and samp tags). Anonymous Pro is nice, and wider might make it a bit easier to read; I prefer Inconsolata to Nanum mostly due to the tails.

Curly L's

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (B612 Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Fira Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Oxygen Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Source Code Pro)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (PT Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Share Tech Mono)

A full bed kept jamming by whichever zoo quips exit. (Ubuntu Mono)

Ubuntu Mono is nice and compact, while still being round; it's quite appealing for a compact font. I don't like B612's kerning (see "kept"), and Oxygen has some problems as well (see "jam"), but Fire's nice, as is Source Code Pro.