Zaniida's Writing Prompts

This page still under construction!!

A place for the many writing prompts I've posted over the years. I've generally been trying to engage the fandom in various ways, most of which have met with a positive response.

In July 2024, I got informed that some of my posts on AO3 didn't fit their inclusion criteria -- including some of my prompts. So, it seems like a good time to move them to my own site. Those that are individual stories will likely stay up on AO3, but the surrounding notes and such might migrate over here for less clutter.

Note for Screen Readers

I did my best to provide aria-labels and keep the document order relatively consistent. Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to stick content into a grid and nest sections in a logical manner. So the header hierarchy gets split across adjacent sections: H2 and H3 might be in one section, and the next H3 in the next section.

I hope this isn't too confusing! It's meant to be a two-column layout for any devices wide enough to handle that.

I have a liberal Blanket Policy—I'm never stingy with my ideas, and I love seeing others build off them! If anything here strikes your fancy, feel free to create something based on it. (Exceptions would include group projects, since I can't give blanket permission for work I'm not fully in charge of.)

Hover over (or press on) spoilers to see the contents.

July Creativity ChallengesPush Outside Your Comfort Zone

The 2018 Monthly Prompts actually came first, but since my July Prompts split off into their own thing, I'm gonna discuss them before the rest of the series.

Starting that year, I set up a challenge to try out things you've never done before. If you've never tried your hand at fan art, give it a shot! If you've never written a fic before, write your first! Or if you've written fics but never tried a challenge form, how about trying your first challenge form? What about other creative media -- record your first podfic or filk song, make your first food art? Record some silly clips to go with sound bites from the show?

Anything unfamiliar is fair game -- the point is to try something new and see what comes of it.

A couple of my July Prompts didn't fit with the archive's goals; they're currently here with the rest of the deleted content, but I hope to port them over here once I can devote more time to fixing up my website.

So here's the original July Prompt contents, migrated from my initial July Goes Nuts post:

July Goes Nuts

Plenty of suggestions below, but, basically, anything that's not merely prose (text). Work must portray Person of Interest in some recognizable way. (I’m open to the idea of accepting fills from other fandoms, but talk it over with me to make sure it counts.)

This site isn't set up to host files other than text, so you'll generally need to find some other site to host your work. Art/photos can go on Deviant Art, Tumblr, Imgur, etc. -- or even just Twitter, though that's not, perhaps, the best choice. Videos can be uploaded to YouTube or Facebook. Sound files I'm not so sure on; check Soundcloud, or look up some podfics and figure out where they're hosted.

Deadline and Rewards

The deadline on this project is four months, to give people more time to complete an unusual project. Which means that the deadline is actually Halloween [2018]. However, those who get their fills in within two months (by August 31st -- my birthday) count double.

Every person who submits a fill gets to vote to help determine the order of my upcoming fics, and also to submit up to three drawing prompts and/or podfic requests for me to consider. No promises on them getting filled (let alone in a timely manner), but it'll end up on my tentative to-do list.

Request Guidelines

Nothing sexualized, in any fashion (and I don't consider nudity inherently sexual, but I won't draw nudity right now, either). Nothing particularly gross or gory. [Note: I originally had a bit more detail about what I consider sexual, but that seems unnecessary.]

Since I'll likely be posting any podfics on my YouTube channel, no swearing. I appreciate swear words used occasionally, to make a point, but my channel is meant to be mostly family-friendly; I even censor the word "crap," thanks to one of my nieces.

Given that I'm just starting out in podfics, keep it relatively short. I think I'll keep it to 2000 words or less right now, though you can make a case for up to 5000 words.


If I get at least four fills, then I'll look through the proposed art prompts and pick one to create (may not be soon). If I get at least eight fills, then I'll pick three.

If I get at least eight fills, then I'll look through the proposed podfic options and pick one to record (again, may not be soon). If I get at least twelve fills, then I'll pick three.


At present, I have quite a few fics open! I'd like to close them down, but sometimes it's hard to focus. If you submit a fill, you can vote on which ones I should prioritize (you get three votes, and can put two or three on a single fic if you like). (Those of you in email contact with me: If you submit a fill, I'll count your email vote twice.)

Here are the options at present:

The vampire!Elias one.
Strange Bedfellas
Omegaverse Marconi/Finch.
Buying Time
Second installment in the Finchnapping series.
Bargains (aka One Bargain Harold Could Not Agree to (and Five He Could))
All the many things Elias could've asked for, instead of a chess partner.
Five Moments of Intimacy (Main Cast)
The FMI fic currently in progress, with a major section for each character.
The Toll
Dark John -- follow-up to tenaya's The Price.
To Be There in Time
The time magic one (a la It's a Wonderful Life).
Mirror (aka On the Other Side of the Mirror)
The rape one. Well, the current rape one, anyway.
The NaNoWriMo one where they're trapped in a simulation and Finch has superpowers. This one's unlikely to ever be finished, but I do have some ideas left ^_^
A Room with Five Fans
You guys ^_^ I really need to put time into this one; I got some serious writer's block in December.
The Monthly Prompt follow-ups
A page per fill, and there's at least three of them waiting for me to write an extension.
Typo Reward Drabbles
I still haven't gotten around to posting the one Fringuello earned. I got some starts on it, but it's harder than I expected and I've been busy and procrastinating.

So, your vote could help focus my attention onto specific fics a little earlier than the rest.


Three people participated that first year, creating five pieces:

  1. Photo Manipulations by Lisagarland
  2. Knitted Squares by Fringuello
  3. A Filk Song by Fringuello
  4. More Photo Manipulations by Fringuello
  5. A Fan Comic by merionees

This met the criteria for my pledge to create One Art Prompt. Which... went on the pile of Things I Intend to Do Someday. I hope I'll get around to it.

Possible Options

I don't mean to say these are the only options; this is just to give you a wide variety of ideas.

Also, it appears that I use the phrase "bonus points" a lot. I don't mean to imply a point system, just that hey, it's extra cool if you do this other thing too! I may or may not end up granting extra benefits to those who go above and beyond the call of duty in fulfilling this prompt.

I. Fan Art

You could create a piece of fan art for the show, or -- even better -- choose a fanfic that you enjoy, and create for it a piece of cover art or some imagery related to a favorite scene.

Photo manips are acceptable, as long as it’s clear that some effort has been put to the task (e.g. don’t just toss some words over a screencap and call it good). All forms of art are welcome, everything from scribbles and stick figures to full-on painterly masterpieces, as long as it portrays POI in some recognizable form. [Note: Later prompts weren't restricted by fandom; this is just the original phrasing.]

II. Podfic

Choose a short fanfic that you enjoy, and make a podfic of it (record yourself reading it, like an audiobook). Bonus points if you enlist a second or third person to do the voices!

III. Recipe Book

Put together a small recipe book, somehow related to the show. For example, take a group of characters (see examples below), and link (or create/describe) a recipe for each character. Could do food, drinks, dessert, or any combination thereof; might construct an entire dinner plan, or what they’d bring on a picnic.

Possible Character Lists (POI)
  • Finch, Reese, Carter, Fusco
  • Finch, Reese, Shaw, Root, Fusco
  • Carter, Zoe, Shaw, Root
  • Harold, Nathan, Arthur (and possibly Will Ingram as well)
  • Elias, Marconi, Fusco (and maybe Carter)
  • Logan Pierce, Joey Durban, Harper Rose
  • Taylor Carter, Lee Fusco, Genrika Zhikova (and maybe Leila as well)

Bonus if you work from characters who were only in a single episode.

You don't have to craft a story around the meal(s), but, if you decide to do so, the obvious trap is too much detail. Detail the meals in the non-story part; within the story itself, use only as much detail as benefits the story. Practically nobody likes to read those giant descriptions of meals the reader isn't actually eating at the time.

This [type of fanfic] can obviously be hosted directly on AO3, with links to recipe sites if you like.

IV. Arts and Crafts

Create a small project related to POI. Some possibilities:

  • Paper Art: Origami, Quilling, Collage, Paper Maché
  • Fabrics and Yarn: Cross-Stitch, Knitting, Crochet, Sewing (maybe little dolls?)
  • Bead Work
  • Food Art*: Pancakes, bread, vegetable carving, fruit trays, noodles, sushi, cookies or other desserts, bento boxes...

*Seriously, look up "awesome bento box" on Google image search.

V. Filk Song

Write a song about POI. Bonus points for recording, but just posting the lyrics would qualify. Can be an original song, or a parody of an existing song.

VI. Fanvid

If you think you could pull off a fanvid within the next two months, go for it! Doesn’t have to be a full-length song. Could do a music fanvid, comedy redub, fandub, or even a machinima-like piece (using footage of the characters to create a new story). Bonus if it's in another language!

VII. Voice Acting

You can use the canon episodes, or a fanfic with a lot of dialog. It's easy to find transcripts online; put the text into a form that's easy to read, print it up, and act it out in front of a mic.

While we've never recorded ourselves doing this, my family has done this with Red Dwarf scripts, and it's a blast! So you might consider getting friends and family to participate; just give each person a character to work with.

Incidentally, this might be even more interesting with people who don’t know these characters. Give them a simple explanation of what the character is like, and see how they interpret the voice ^_^

If you’re going to upload it so it’ll count for this challenge, make sure to get the consent of everyone whose voice ends up on the recording!

VIII. Acting for the Camera

Film a short scene either from POI canon or from a fanfic you enjoy. Monologues are fine, and you could film yourself acting out multiple characters, but, again, might be even more fun if you get other fans involved (or rope in good-natured friends who don’t yet know the series). If you’ve no fans in the immediate area, consider working with an online fan, filming your scenes separately and splicing them together for the finished product. (If two or more fans work together online to create a thing, I’ll count it as multiple fills, just to be fair to those involved.)

You can get fancy if you like, but it doesn’t need to be fancy. Just people getting on camera and saying words (or acting out wordless segments, if you prefer) is fine. You don’t have to wear costumes or anything (though bonus points if you give it a try!).

IX. Cosplay

If you think you can dress up like one of the characters in a recognizable way, give that a try!

X. Poetry

I'm adding this entry because I had a note regarding poetry but not an actual entry. Consider writing a poem about your favorite character, Ship, or scenario! I wrote one about Sganarelle, Dom Juan's beleaguered servant -- I actually wrote that before joining AO3.

Anyway, apparently I was a bit concerned at the time about the possibility of people just throwing a bunch of words on paper and calling it poetry, so I had the following note:

A Note on Poetry

While it's low on my list, I'd be fine accepting poetry... if some effort is put into form and editing. I'm skeptical about amateur free verse, because it's far too easy to just splatter a bunch of words over the paper and stick in random line breaks and call it good (I should know, I did plenty of this in my teens). Poets use the tools of sound (assonance, consonance) and rhythm/cadence, of imagery and symbolism; it's far more than just making prose sound weird.

So, you can talk me into accepting free verse, if it looks like you worked hard on it. But the bar's a little higher than for other forms of poetry. Even without rhymes, it's important to pay attention to sound.

I also didn't want to give away a fill for a very short poem, so I included the following guideline:

Aside from free verse, the criteria would be: At least twelve lines, and some poetic form (nonce forms count!). If you'd like to create short forms (limerick, haiku, tanka, rondelet, etc.), then create two or three that are related in some fashion (e.g. one for each member of the team, or a set of scenes that create (or comment on) a story).

Bonus Thought: Find a charity that you think your favorite character would favor, and donate to them this month or next.

2018: Monthly Prompts

My Monthly Prompts series for 2018 was my attempt to post, at the first of each month, some sort of ficlet that would act as a story prompt for others to build from. It worked out decently well; although half the prompts never saw any action, the series as a whole still inspired sixteen or seventeen fills over the course of the year (not all got properly connected to the series by way of Inspiration links, so I've lost track of the count).

I pledged that each fic that got fills would eventually see a follow-up with a page count equal to the number of fills. It... took me a while to get started on those (the first got posted in October 2020), but I've been slowly making my way through the set.

(Initially, I had figured on just not writing follow-ups for the unfilled prompts, but then I decided to instead write dark or bittersweet follow-ups instead. So March's prompt, which saw no fills, got an update implying that Carter killed Finch.)

April and May were the two prompts where I got too busy and stressed to write a ficlet on time, and wound up just posting a single line of dialogue. April's prompt did inspire three fics (links in the series description on AO3), while May's saw no action. In 2024 I got informed that these posts didn't fit AO3's criteria for inclusion, which is accurate; I have deleted them, so the series as it stands has 10 entries, rather than 12.

Jan thru June

January Promptly ArrivesBound to Fall

Thus began my set of ficlet prompts titled after the months.

For this piece, I constructed a small scenario where Finch was in peril and Reese was (potentially) at the mercy of Finch's captor. I then encouraged anyone to follow that plot bunny.

Original Prompt (Jan 1, 2018)

“Put the gun down, John,” the man says calmly. “It won’t do you any good, anyway. Unless you want your partner here” -- and Harold drops a few inches before being yanked to a stop, his gasp anxious yet groggy -- “to reacquaint himself with gravity.”

Glaring up at the balcony, John carefully lowers his gun to the floor, and kicks it away as soon as he gets back to full height. He doesn’t take his gaze off their enemy, although it’s hard not to stare in horror at Harold’s bruised and bleeding back, at the thick welts that cross the skin.

Suspended in some kind of seated harness, Harold hangs above a two-story drop, his hands tied to the rope about a foot above his head. The back of his suit has been cut off, leaving ragged edges along the sides, including where his sleeves bunch up around his stretched shoulders. The pressure of the harness on his wounds is surely agonizing, yet John knows that the far greater pain for his partner is the vulnerability and humiliation of his bare flesh on display.

Perhaps it’s a mercy that he’s been drugged. At least, that’s John’s first guess: Harold’s head keeps bobbing, slowly relaxing down and then jerking up again, as if fighting off sleep. How else could he be so close to passing out? Has the pain gotten to be too much? Has exhaustion taken over, from hours spent fighting back fear and uncertainty, trying to cling to the hope that John will get there in time?

It will all be over soon, he promises, silently, continuing to keep an eye on his partner with just his peripheral vision.

He keeps his gaze centered on their enemy, whose mouth twists up into a cocksure grin. “Now,” the man says, “since I don’t for a moment trust that I just disarmed you, you can leave your clothes behind as well. Take ’em all off. Unless your dignity is worth his life?”

I got one fill, and therefore intended to write a one-page follow-up. It just took me a couple years, but the fic finally got a follow-up and an official title (Bound to Fall):

Follow-Up (Oct 30, 2020)

The agony hits him before he’s quite able to make out where he is or which parts of him actually hurt. His shoulders are stretched uncomfortably, pushing his neck to an angle it almost can’t manage anymore, but when he tries to reposition, he finds that his arms are stuck in that position, stuck above his head, the fingers numb.

That doesn’t alarm him as much as it perhaps ought to. Blinking muzzily, he feels a rough pressure against his cheek, but he can’t much move that either.

Wintry air whistles across his back, and it takes him a moment to realize that there’s something strange about that. He’s wearing his suit, he’s obviously wearing his suit, it’s bunched up around his shoulders, but… it feels like his back is bare. The comforting pressure across his back is just… gone; in its place, bands of heat and pain, and something dripping along the skin.

The floor drops out from under him and then catches him again; he gasps. There are—words, but he can’t make them out. An accent, close and above him. A growl, familiar and somehow heartening, distant and below.

Below? The world is… swaying. He’s… he’s hanging, somehow, tied. His breath comes faster, his body chanting danger, danger, danger, he’s helpless but he can’t, his mind won’t—

“If I let go of this rope, he falls.”

Harold tries to look up, to see more of his predicament than a patch of crumbling masonry, but the motion sends a stab of pain through his neck and he moans.

There’s a BANG! and the world jerks and falls out from under him. A fraction of a second to gasp before he hits something unexpectedly soft and rolls, dizzyingly, sometimes weight on top and sometimes not, his arms hitting hard things, something binding up around his body.

When the motion stops, he’s lying on his side across an uncomfortable pile of sharp corners, ropes across his back, bound half on top of something… squishy. His head pillowed on an open book as he stares at a blur just a breath away from his face, unrecognizable.

But… that smell. Gunpowder, gun oil, fear-sweat, and… the cologne that John had worn that one day, the one that Harold had visibly scented the air over, given a barely noticeable smile. John had ever after worn only that scent.

“John?” he slurs. There’s no answer, but the rise and fall of John’s chest against him makes it clear that John’s alive. And if John found him, doubtless the others will be here soon enough.

He’s still too muzzy to be truly distressed; that will come later, he suspects. But here he lies, surrounded by silence and the familiar smell of musty books, cradled in John’s arms as the pain fades away to a kind of pleasant numbness.

He’s bound to John’s side, and that doesn’t seem like such a bad fate after all.

February Soon Appears

February Prompt (Feb 1, 2018)

Blindly, Harold clutches John’s hand as they creep along. If they lose each other now, they might not find each other again, not when they’re forced to be this quiet. And they’ve got to keep moving -- get out of here before it’s too late.

John’s firm grip keeps him from panicking, at least -- for the moment -- and John doesn’t go any faster than Harold can follow. With his free hand on the wall, Harold can mostly keep his balance, but it’s difficult. Even on his best days, staying upright is a challenge, and that’s when he can observe the world around him; with no frame of reference, his inner ear is having trouble compensating for the weakness of his gait.

Having spent most of his years in the city, he’s used to the ever-present light pollution, to sleeping with street lights streaming in through the window. But as he thinks back to more rural surroundings -- his farm-boy childhood -- he can’t recall a time when he’s ever been this blind. Even moonless nights let you make out some level of detail. It’s disorienting, being in darkness this complete.

When John stops short, Harold bumps right into him, struggles not to fall over, and, ultimately, has to grab John’s suit jacket to maintain his balance. John stays solid as a rock; Harold does his best to stay silent through all of his terrified flailing. If their enemies knew they were here, this would all be over very quickly; even John’s remarkable skill with combat wouldn’t fare too well against goons with guns, not now.

They’ve only got a few floors to go, to get out of this basement -- and at most an hour before the power comes back on, at which point, if they’re still on the property, the mission is screwed.

John starts moving again, and Harold follows his lead, blindly.

The follow-up is With Me in the Darkness:

With Me in the Darkness (Feb 13th, 2022)

Darkness closes in again, suffocating. He fumbles forward, reaching for anything, a wall, a railing, a tree branch, but his grasping fingers find only air. Quiet air, empty air, nothing around him, nothing to ground him. He can’t find Nathan, he can’t—


It’s not Nathan. It’s John, he has to find John. John will know where Nathan is. John can get them out of the darkness, out of the blinding light—


That was… that was the explosion.

Blinding light, and then darkness.

Waking to find Nathan gone.

He only met John because Nathan was gone.

Lying in the darkness, Harold gasps in breaths of warm, musty air as hot tears make tracks along his skin and pool in the folds of his neck, soaking the pillow. The realization of Nathan’s death hits him as strongly as the first time—maybe even more so, as there’s no hazy veil of denial to hide behind. Nathan is well and truly dead, and nothing can bring him back. Those who killed him will never be made to pay, and ultimately… ultimately, it’s Harold himself who is to blame.

For ignoring his friend’s concerns. For not impressing upon Nathan the kind of people they were dealing with, and the lengths to which they might go if they felt their secrets threatened.

For bringing him onto the project to begin with, a warm shield to hide behind when Harold had been too paranoid to let more than one person in the world know that he was even involved. Justifiably paranoid, to be sure, and yet… if he’d taken on that risk himself, been the front man instead of Nathan, then Nathan would still be alive.

And Harold would be in a hidden cell somewhere, tortured until he gave up the code.

It’s such a vivid scenario that for a moment he freezes, wondering if he’s not in a cell, but… no, there’s a comfortable bed beneath him, the custom pillows that support his neck, the soft Merino wool that has somehow gotten tangled around his upper body during the night. The dull hum of a heater. The musty air lacks the familiar scent of the library, though there are certainly similarities. An unfamiliar location, set up for his needs… a safe house. Right.

One he hadn’t checked on in months, given the dust in the air. After he’d concluded the case (three hours of quick and dirty hacking, and a pair of key phone calls) and then checked on Shaw (she hadn’t noticed any tails, and the van was safely on the other side of Manhattan), he’d trundled off to get his room ready for the night, only to find that John had beaten him to it. The room was warm, the blankets and pillows removed from their plastic covers (now stacked neatly in the corner), the bed made up just how he liked it.

Given that he’d been bleary-eyed and exhausted beyond measure, he’d been touched even more than usual by John’s evident thoughtfulness. He hadn’t even noticed John sneaking off long enough to do it; as far as he’d been aware, John had spent the past three hours keeping careful watch through the blinds.

Now, though, he’s left staring into the darkness, the adrenaline rush leaving him jittery, unable to fall back to sleep. It must be, what, maybe two or three a.m.? And he needs the sleep; there’s no telling what the morning might bring. On the few days they don’t get a new number, Harold has a laundry list of chores to keep up on, everything from maintaining his aliases to airing out his safe houses to updating their equipment to double-checking his safeguards. If anyone’s been snooping into their affairs, he needs to send them on a wild goose chase and ensure that they won’t be able to double back. And if he has any time left after all of that, he likes to check in on previous cases, see to it that the ones they’ve saved are doing all right.

Efficiency matters, if he’s to get everything done in a timely manner, and he can’t be efficient if he’s deprived of sleep.

Knowing all that doesn’t make it any easier to doze off again, so he sighs and gets to his feet, shuffling along the carpet until he finds the door. It opens without a sound, and he moves out into the hallway, the air much cooler than in his room. Yes, this will help.

Rather than bother with the lights, which would only make it harder to sleep again (and possibly wake John), he follows the hallway, one hand on the wall, until he finds the kitchen. Briefly, he considers making some tea; the warmth might help him relax, but the effort feels like too much to bother with right now. A glass of cool water brings his temperature down a little more.

Moving on into the living room, he locates the sofa and takes a seat, closing his eyes and running easy equations through his head as his body quiets down again.

John? John!

He vaults to his feet in the darkness with another surge of adrenaline, but there’s nothing around him, nothing to correct his balance, and he lurches forward—into strong arms.

“Careful, Finch,” an all-too-familiar voice rumbles, and Harold takes a deep, grateful breath as he uses John’s arms to help him right himself.

When finally he feels like he’s not going to fall over, he takes a breath. “Thank you, Mr. Reese.”

A hand runs up his arm to squeeze his shoulder. “Trouble sleeping?”

“That obvious?” He scrubs his face with his free hand, and between the exhaustion and the adrenaline he finds himself being unexpectedly honest: “Every time I close my eyes, it feels like… like you’re missing, and I desperately need to find you. Silly, I know, but…”

John hums. “Seems like your brain’s still sorting through losing me in the basement.”

“That was only for a few minutes, John, it’s… hardly something to ruminate over like this.”

“So tell me why my dreams had me chasing after Root again—convinced that you’d been taken, that I had to find you before it was too late.”

“Is that what—why you’re out here?”

“Couldn’t find you in your bed, and nearly panicked,” John admits. “Glad I was awake enough to reason out where you might have gone. Found your glass, and then heard you snoring.”

“So then… both of us had bad dreams. From a few minutes in a dark basement.”

“Brains can do funny things sometimes,” John says calmly. “We can discuss the cause tomorrow, Finch. In the meantime,” he adds, taking Harold by the upper arm, “since we both need our sleep, I think there’s an easy way to convince your brain that it hasn’t lost me.”

Confused, Harold follows John’s lead down the dark hallway and back to his bedroom. At John’s prompting, he goes to use the bathroom, and returns to find that John has moved his pillows a little closer to the side of the bed than the middle where they normally are.

It only makes sense after Harold has settled in, when John slides under the covers from the far side.

“Mr. Reese?” Harold queries, though with none of the defensive outrage or anxiety that would have been his first reaction barely a year ago. The arm that gently snakes over his chest is still clothed, for one, and John seems just as tired as Harold feels.

“Just rest, Finch,” John murmurs. “I’m right here. Not going anywhere.”

A while later, on the cusp of drifting off, two sleepy voices give breath to the same thought: “I’m glad you found me.”

March Barrels In

April Flounces By

May Hesitates to Join

June Unexpectedly Arises

July thru Aug

Second Column

July Goes Nuts

August Zooms In

September Lets GoThe Plot Bunny Purge

October Feels OddPost-Surgery Pronoia

This one only has an actual title because I gave it one when I ported it to FFN, where there's no prompt-series context.


2019: POI Actor Birthday Prompts

Having determined that posting a prompt ficlet every month was a little too much to add to my plate, I wound up switching to a twice-annual format: a year-long prompt set and my July Creativity Prompts. I think the January prompts lasted two years before I ran out of ideas.

But, basically, I sorted all the prominent characters by the birth dates of their actors (since I couldn't find info on the characters' birth dates), and then chose one character as the representative for each month, and encouraged unusual character interactions based on birthday proximity.

Quick List

Jan: Shaw Month (Jan 10)
Bonus Twins: Leon Tao & Farouk Madani (21)
Feb: Elias Month (Feb 14️ 💕)
Bonus Twins: Claire Mahoney & Karolina Kurkova (28)
Mar: Control Month (Mar 8)
Shares her birthday with Abby Monroe
Bonus Twins: Michael Cole & Anton O'Mara (19)
Apr: Beecher Month (Apr 5)
Bonus Twins: Dani Silva & Paula Vasquez (25)
May: Zoe Month (May 17)
Bonus Twins: Mark Snow & John Greer (22)
Jun: Grace Month (June 21)
Jul: Fusco Month (July 29)
Aug: Nathan Month (Aug 26)
Sep: Carter Month (Sept 11!!)
Shares her birthday with Anthony Marconi
Also the birth month for our leading duo!
Oct: Will Ingram Month (Oct 28)
Nov: Logan Pierce Month (Nov 21)
Dec: Root Month (Dec 5)

So, if you're low on ideas and would like something to focus on, consider one of these characters!

Jan thru June

January: Shaw MonthSarah Shahi: Jan 10th

Theme: We don't have time for this! / infiltrating where John can't

We've got twins! Leon Tao and Farouk Madani (21)

Andrea Gutierrez (31)

Hersh (23), Alistair Wesley (4), "Alan Fahey" (19)

February: Elias MonthEnrico Colantoni: February 14th 💕

Theme: Matchmaker / bachelor fun / unusual skills

We've got twins! Claire Mahoney and Karolina Kurkova (28)

Jessica Arndt (8), Maxine Angelis (9)

Tara Verlander aka "Jordan Hester" (15)

Elias/Marconi is the common pairing, and the patron saint of love was Saint Anthony, but… maybe branch out a bit? Consider:

Surprising chemistry, especially in the fifth season.
At least a one-sided admiration: "I offered to kill you for Detective Carter many times, and she always said no. She was civilized to the very end. I don't think she liked me. But I liked her very much.
Consider the potential for situational sexuality, enemies to lovers, slow road to corruption. Perhaps in the wake of Cal's death she seeks out his polar opposite.
A similar mindset, at times.
Will Ingram
Intriguing Odd Couple potential. I would love to see this ship explored -- sexual or not.
Bruce Moran
Elias's other close friend who kinda gets the shaft as far as screen time (and fic time).

March: Control MonthCamryn Manheim (March 8th)

Shares her birthday with Abby Monroe (actress Jessica Collins)

Theme: Family secrets / captive to Decima

We've got twins! Michael Cole & Anton O'Mara (19)

Martine Rousseau (1), Rick Dillinger (5)

…huh. All of a sudden, I want to see at least one fic with Control/Cole Dom/sub (sexual or not).

April: Cal Beecher MonthSterling Kelby Brown: April 5th

Honestly, I wish there were a better choice here; I've never really liked the character. But, out of all the characters whose actors have an April birthday, he's the most prominent, so he gets the pick.

Theme: Things he can't talk about / getting to know Taylor

We've got twins! Dani Silva and Paula Vasquez (25)

Bruce Moran (27), Lou Mitchell (26)

Alonzo Quinn (7)

May: Zoe Morgan MonthPaige Turco: May 17th

Theme: Wit and poise / out of the city

We’ve got twins! Mark Snow and John Greer (22)

Caleb Phipps (18), Riley Cavanaugh (31)

Ulrich Kohl (6)

June: Grace Hendricks MonthCarrie Preston: June 21st

Theme: Secrets she never shared with Harold / loneliness / vampires

Megan Tillman (25), Theresa Whitaker (12), Beth Bridges (28), Mira Dobrica (19)—girls' month?

July thru Dec

July: Fusco MonthKevin Chapman: July 29th

Theme: Nicknames he grew up with / actually a competent detective

Bonus Theme: He keeps seeing people who look like Root, but aren't (the gal who played Root's first appearance shares Fusco's birthday)

Arthur Claypool (2), Sofia Campos (21)

Kara Stanton (31)

August: Nathan Ingram MonthBrett Cullen: Aug 26th

Theme: My month; my bread and butter. Gimme captivity or injury recovery… or, if you'd like something fluffier, maybe smarmy asshole Nathan or Nathan trying to cook.

Joey Durban (13), Harper Rose (23), Monica Jacobs (19), Genrika Zhirova (21)

Peter Collier (6), Jeffrey Blackwell (31)

September: Carter MonthTaraji Henson: Sept 11th!!

Shares her birthday with Anthony "Scarface" Marconi (David Valcin)

Theme: Drugged / quiet house

Call this the big POI month! Reese (26th) and Finch (7th — shared with Captain Moreno!)

Daniel Casey (21) and Mr. Han (24)

Patrick Simmons (12) and Floyd (20)

October: Will Ingram MonthMichael Stahl-David: Oct 28th

Theme: Curiosity leads to trouble / unexpected need for a healer

Madeleine Enright (17), Hannah Frey (18)

Peter Yogorov (4), Tyrell Evans (11)

November: Logan Pierce MonthJimmi Simpson: Nov 21st

Theme: Too many 'friends' / tall buildings / alcohol

Nicholas Donnelly (23), Alicia Corwin (27)

Dominic (15), Jeremy Lambert (29), Angela Markham (24)

Also a good month for a Fix Fic, since Reese died in November.

December: Root MonthAmy Acker: Dec 5th

Theme: Recovered memories / manipulation / difficult decisions

Good thing it’s early in the month—leaves more time for writing presents and such ^_^

Frankie Wells (17), Joan (30)


2020: MCU Actor Birthday Prompts

Actor Birthday Prompts


January: Hawkeye MonthJeremy Renner (Jan 7th)

Theme: Lingering effects / broken arms

Rocket (5), Luis (13), Drax (18)

Proxima Midnight (24)

February: Loki MonthTom Hiddleston (Feb 9th)

Shares his birthday with Erik Killmonger!

Theme: Magic has its cost / trying to escape HYDRA

Bonus: Also in February: Frigga and Thanos. Hmm…

We've got Twins! Wanda Maximoff & Malekith (16)

Okoye (14), Frigga (17), The Collector / Taneleer Tivan (19), Kurt (29)

Ultron (7), Thanos (12), Jack Rollins (23), W'Kabi (24)

March: Sif MonthJaimie Alexander (Mar 12th)

Theme: Survivor guilt / girls' night out

Bonus: Bucky's canon birthday is March 10th.

Nakia (1), Cassie Lang (14), Nova Prime (19), Maria Stark (23), Liz (28)

Ego (17), Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross (20), Ronan the Accuser (25)

April: Coulson MonthClark Gregg (Apr 2nd)

Theme: Amnesia / juggling too many assets

Bonus: I would love to see Coulson in a scene with Yondu.

Triplets! Scott, Yondu, & Yinsen (6)

Twins! Tony Stark & Red Skull, of all things (4); also, Maria Hill & Talos (3).

Peggy Carter (5), Flash Thompson (28), Janet van Dyne (29)

Ulysses Klaue (20), Korath the Pursuer (24)

May: Vision/JARVIS MonthPaul Bettany (May 27th)

Theme: Fragmented memories / torn loyalties / humanity is bizarrely unorganized

Bonus: Feel like making Vision meet Hela?

Triplets! Mantis, Jim Paxton (Cassie's stepdad), & Maya Hansen (3)

Sharon Carter (12), Kraglin (22), Rhomann Dey (24), Volstagg (25), Mar-Vell (29)

Hela (14)

June: Peters MonthTom Holland (June 1st) & Chris Pratt (June 21st)

Theme: Regretting immaturity / found family

QUADRUPLETS! Steve Rogers, Darcy Lewis, Erik Selvig, & Pietro Maximoff (13)

Howard Stark (younger version) (2), Wong (3), Jane Foster (9), Eitri (11), Gamora (19), Laura Barton (25)

Skurge (7), Brock Rumlow (8), Brandt (12), Helmut Zemo (16)


July: Strange MonthBenedict Cumberbatch (July 19th)

Shares his birthday with Taserface, of all things.

Theme: Magic is no substitute for… / my teammates are bizarre

Bonus: Steve & Coulson canonical birthdates (July 4th and 8th). Also: Groot!

Betty Ross (1), Stakar Ogord (6), Groot (18), Maggie (20)

Karl Mordo (10)

August: Bucky MonthSebastian Stan (Aug 13th)

Shares his birtday with the older Howard Stark.

Theme: On the run / simple life in Wakanda

Bonus: Pair him with Edwin Jarvis.

QUADRUPLETS! Red Skull, Laufey, Algrim/Kurse, & young Thor (22)

Twins! Korg & Queen Mother Ramonda (16)

Hope van Dyne (3), Harley Keener (6), Thor (11), Edwin Jarvis (24)

Cull Obsidian (14)

September: Pepper MonthGwyneth Paltrow (Sept 27th)

Theme: Past vs. future / organization / everyday perils of motherhood

Bonus: Pair her with Heimdall

We've got Twins! Hank Pym & Dave (25); Corvus Glaive & Ivan Vanko (16)

Michelle Jones (1), Heimdall (6), Everett Ross (8), Col. Chester Phillips (15), Sam Wilson (23)

Vulture (5), Arnim Zola (7), Jasper Sitwell (12)

October: Valkyrie MonthTessa Thompson (Oct 3rd)

Theme: Ordeals of being Queen / where was that pegasus hiding?

Bonus: Pair her with Captain Marvel, Shuri, or the Grandmaster

Carol Danvers (1), Ned (9), Happy Hogan (19), Ayo (26), Shuri (31)

Aldrich Killian (5), the Grandmaster (22)

November: Nebula MonthKaren Gillan (Nov 28th)

Theme: Adjusting to humanity / glitches in the system

Bonus: Pair her with Natasha, Christine Palmer, Ebony Maw, or Bruce/Hulk

Triplets! Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanov, & Kaecilius (22)

Twins! T'Challa & Rhodey (29); the Ancient One & Justin Hammer (5); the Christines (Palmer & Everhart) (17); Hogun & Maria Rambeau (27)

Dr. Abraham Erskine (11), Lord M'Baku (15), King T'Chaka (30)

December: Odin MonthAnthony Hopkins (Dec 31st)

Theme: Balancing leadership with fatherhood / adjusting to life on earth

Bonus: Pair him with Fury, Fandral, or Aunt May

Excelsior Bonus: Stan Lee cameo!

We've got Twins! Aunt May & Obadiah Stane (4)

Fandral the Dashing (18), Quentin Beck (19), Nick Fury (21), Janet van Dyne (the younger) (26), Stan Lee (28)

Yon-Rogg (29)

July Creativity Prompts Birthday Requests Rarepair Speed Dating