Marvel FicsSorted by Character

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Note for Screen Readers

I did my best to provide aria-labels and keep the document order relatively consistent. Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to stick content into a grid and nest sections in a logical manner. So the header hierarchy gets split across adjacent sections: H2 and H3 might be in one section, and the next H3 in the next section.

I hope this isn't too confusing! It's meant to be a two-column layout for any devices wide enough to handle that.

Hover over (or press on) spoilers to see the contents.

Cream of the Crop

Out of all the fics I've read, these are the ones I recommend the most.

The Housemates Seriesby Coneycat

Loki falls from the Bifrost to Bristol, and gets taken in by a household consisting of a Vampire, a Werewolf, and a Ghost, who teach him that being a monster doesn't mean you have to be a bad person.

He gets a job as a school janitor, slowly reconciles with his family (everyone admitting to various faults) and befriends the Avengers (after a rocky start), while getting pulled into various extreme circumstances and becoming the lynchpin of over-the-top dramatic events.

It's glorious and I cannot recommend it enough:

Housemates [11 fics]

Content Warnings
Loki gets kidnapped and tortured a lot, including (at times) by supposed heroes; he also suffers from magical-induced insanity of a sort. One fic deals with domestic abuse. Self-esteem issues abound; the issues of Loki's poor upbringing get soundly dealt with.
First Fic
Monsters: Loki joins the cast of Being Human
One Sequel
Brother's Keeper: SHIELD's been taken over by something more sinister than even HYDRA
Another Sequel
The Wool-White, Bell-Tongued Ball of Holidays: All the fluff -- Tony gathers everyone (including Coulson's mom) for a celebration of every winter holiday they know
My Fave
Lonely Way Back Home: Two Lokis trade places, and we get to compare the series Avengers with the slightly-worse-than-canon Avengers
"There was a rhinoceros in the schoolyard," George announced, as though it might have escaped Loki's notice.

"There was indeed," Loki agreed happily.

"Why was there a rhinoceros in the schoolyard?" Mitchell asked, cautiously, as if unsure he really wanted to know. Loki beamed at him.

"I got the idea from your Harry Potter," he explained. "Think of it as a Patronus Charm." He had been most taken with the idea of a magical creature that could protect others from evil, and it had not been terribly difficult for Loki to come up with his own version of the spell.

"Your Patronus is a rhinoceros?" George asked weakly.

"A mother rhinoceros," Loki clarified.

"With a baby tagging along," George said, as if to himself.

"Well, of course there was, George. If there was no baby, how would people know she is a mother rhinoceros?" Loki pointed out reasonably. "She is hidden from the sight of the children, even that of the little ones, and she cannot harm them. Supernatural beings, on the other hand--those, she can harm." Loki's mouth hardened. "But only if they refuse to accept a warning."

Mitchell looked down at the playground again. "What if there's more than one vampire?"

"Then there will be more than one rhinoceros."

Odin's Son, Tyr's Sonby PeaceHeather

When Odin allows the dwarves to sew Loki's mouth shut in the throne room, Tyr has had enough of this shit, and exercises his right to remove any of his students from an abusive home. Loki must adjust to being taken in by a father figure who actually cares about him and has his back (while also adjusting to some other revelations).

Eventually it comes out that something is affecting Odin, which does make his behavior a little less of a moral failing, although he's not really let off the hook. If you've ever wanted to see someone really lay it out for Odin about what a right bastard he's been, this is the fic. Likewise if you've ever wanted to see Sif get the arrogance slapped out of her (while still allowing her a chance to become a better person).

Gets extreme and a bit gruesome at times, but a lot of characters get their comeuppance, and Loki gets a much, much better future than could have been expected. I find it a most satisfying journey.

Odin's Son, Tyr's Son [6 fics]

Content Warnings
Intense child abuse from Odin, which Tyr puts a stop to. One scene of gruesome payback. Slapping a roughly teenage girl for mouthing off (I love that scene; she earned it). Sequels contain severe violence, torture, maiming, magical amnesia.
Odin's Son, Tyr's Son series
First Fic
Grievance: Where it all begins
One Sequel
Loyalty: Tyr gets captured, and Loki pulls out all the stops to save him
"How dare you claim my father is a man without honor!" demanded Thor, and Tyr frowned at him the way he did in the arena, when the boy was being especially dense.

"Take another look at your brother, and ask me that again."

"Loki brought—"

"Loki is not fully of age," said Tyr. "He is only barely old enough to legally enter into binding contracts, or place significant wagers. He is not, however, the head of his own household yet, and until he is, any risk to his life or limb outside the battlefield is meant to be taken up by the elders of his family on his behalf—either his father, or you, Thor, once you come of age yourself. Yet I notice neither of you even dreamed of doing so, and you, Thor, even held him still so that those filthy dwarfs could torment him." Brokkr and Eitri, still standing there, no longer looked so smug, but Tyr ignored their shouts of protest. "Meanwhile Odin allowed his own son to be humiliated publicly, mutilated, for a bit of sport."

A Villain State of Mindby Mikkeneko

When SHIELD doesn't know what to do with Loki, they call in Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men, who quickly figures out several worrisome things. Xavier becomes Loki's advocate and later his therapist and mentor. In the sequel (after the events of TDW occurred offscreen), Loki joins the School for Gifted Youngsters as a professor teaching cosmology, and ends up defending the kids against the forces trying to kidnap them.

This alerts Thor to the fact that he's alive, and Thor comes in guns blazing, thinking he's a villain again. After getting his ass handed to him, Thor's in a bit of a better mindset to realize that Loki's not doing anything wrong, and they do eventually reconcile (after Jane and Darcy hear Thor's epic fauxpology and sit him down to teach him how to do an apology right).

Offers some very interesting thoughts on Loki as the sometimes embodiment of elemental chaos, and the idea that Thor's natural aura is a bit much to bear if you're around it too long.

The Great Subconscious Club [5 fics]

Content Warnings
Torturous deprivation across weeks; flashbacks to torture; mind control, including Xavier forcing Loki (lesser of two evils, but still).
The Great Subconscious Club
First Fic
A Villain State of Mind: Xavier helps Loki
Cover Up the Sun: Loki joins Xavier's school
Laughing As I Pray: Thor learns the art of the apology (eventually)
Loki eyed him up and down, and his face pulled into a sneer; it cracked his lips and made them bleed. "How low Midgard's mightiest heroes have fallen," he said in a rasp, "that they bring cripples and degenerate half-men to do their work for them?"

The thing was about being a telepath, the thing was, you always heard people's intentions along with their words. Charles was quite accustomed to the stinging bile that came along with insults, the seething venom that bubbled behind taunts and slurs and sometimes behind polite smiles. He well knew the flavor of thoughts that hated and despised, and although the words were calculated to hurt, there was no true feeling behind them. They were tests, volleys thrown in the dark to test his reactions.

Instead he heard, a flurry of disjointed thoughts like a swarm of minnows: Who is that? New, never seen before. Not a guard. Not a soldier. What does he want? What does he fear? Not a threat. Man of the mind; scholar, doctor, mage? What does he know? How can I get at him? How can I frighten him? How can I make him want to help me?

It was impossible to feel angry or insulted by someone who was obviously so afraid of him. "Oh, I'm not a superhero," Charles informed him calmly. "I don't even work for SHIELD, really. I'm here as more of a... consultant."

Loki's face stayed a stiff, hostile mask, but his eyes were confused and wary, off-balance. The water had helped somewhat, but he was still swimming with exhaustion, mind and body both ground down by weeks of deprivation. Charles leaned forward and asked him, bluntly, "What else do you need?"

"I need nothing from you," Loki spat, but his thoughts clearly said otherwise: Food, please, please, anything, I'm so hungry, please. Then over that primal need, forceful and clear, I must not show weakness. I must not give them any openings, for they will show no mercy. I will not beg, not from them.

If Lost, Please Return to Peterby GalaxyThreads

Peter strikes up an unlikely friendship with Loki, which eventually pays off when Loki saves his life (repeatedly). It's really quite an endearing series, and became the inspiration for A Stray Parrot in Queens.

Yet another series where I like the name of the first fic better than the name of the series, so of course that's how I remember this series.

I'm Peter [3 fics]

Content Warnings
Does deal with the topic of suicide; also includes panic attacks.
I'm Peter
First Fic
If Lost, Please Return to Peter: The unlikely friendship begins, though it takes a bit for Peter to adjust to the idea.
Later Fic
The Art of Manipulation: Peter's afraid that he's destroyed their friendship through forgetting a crucial detail, but by the end Loki is risking everything to help him.
Excerpt (condensed)
He's dying. Oh, gosh, he is actually dying. There's blood in his mouth.

Then suddenly there's a hand on his shoulder and a voice speaking rapidly in his ear. Peter doesn't recognize it, but he looks up to see Loki before the Asgardian shoves him back against the wall and lifts his hands over Peter's chest.

Peter slaps his fingers away. "No!" he exclaims in panic.

Loki grabs at his wrists. "Spider, stop it, I'm trying to help—"

Peter squirms out of his grip and attempts to scramble to his feet, but the pain that ripples through him causes his feet to tangle. He lands in a heap and can't help the choked cry that escapes him. Loki's hands are once again touching him, turning him onto his back, grasping his shoulders and holding him down.

"Peter, Peter, stop, I swear on my life that I am only trying to help you. You're bleeding, stay still."

Slave Loki

Sometimes it amuses me that there are enough variations on Loki being a slave that it's made an entire genre with subgenres and everything.

Also, just to get us in the mood: Puppet Boy by Rudy Coby.

Basic Slavery

Wherein the fic hands Loki over to a Master, helpless but not magically bound to obey (or where that's a minor nuance of the situation).

The Codifier: Poetic Justice [300k]

Asgard hands Loki to Tony. Loki had the choice of this or death, and despite accepting the deal is not in a good mental state to deal with his change in status.

Content Warnings
Poetic Justice (Limmet)
The beta-electro-transformer that he’s been working on for the last week is lying broken and forlorn on the workbench, but what’s on top of his mind at the moment is something else entirely, the disturbing image imprinted into his brain as if it has been burned there with laser.

The image of a certain god of mischief huddling on the floor like a dog expecting to be kicked by its master for pissing on the carpet. Only to then dissolve into a crying, sobbing heap, as Tony sat there and awkwardly tried to offer words of consolation and reassurance to stop the unexpected flood of tears, his hand rubbing slow circles on a shivering shoulder.

Even now that it’s actually happened, before his very eyes no less, the mere idea of Loki of all people crying is one of the weirdest, most awkward concepts imaginable. Because how could such a haughty and prideful being ever break down and cry?

At that, he’s washed over by another wave of gut-wrenching shame. Because it’s not until this incident that he’s really understood what kind of treatment Loki must have been expecting from him all this time. And instead of addressing that, he’d acted like the whole thing was more like some kind of game than anything else, never realizing or stopping to think what terrible strain the god must have been under since coming here.

The concept is so alien and difficult to wrap his head around for someone like him who’s been raised on the whole concept of inalienable human rights, but of course, that’s obviously not how Asgard is viewing these things. And as Loki’s appointed master, Tony is technically allowed to do everything and anything to him, and yet he’s never reassured him until just now that he isn’t going to. No matter what Loki has done and what crimes he has committed, Tony should have done so. But he didn’t, instead letting Loki’s mind imagine who knows what.

No wonder the god finally broke.

It’s still confusing why Tony would let him out like that after he wilfully disobeyed orders, as opposed to taking the necessary steps to ensure that his slave would be securely locked up to prevent further incidents, perhaps even put into chains to make sure there’d be no repeats. Yet another of the many things about Tony that are making no sense, regardless how he twists the recent happenings around in his head. Slaves don’t get rewarded for disobedience, they get punished.

But then again, he supposes he will have many years ahead of him trying to understand whatever logic is driving Tony’s actions. Given the man’s obvious intelligence, there’s certainly nothing wrong in that aspect, at least. There must be other things at play, as difficult as it is to perceive them from where he’s standing.

Well, he should have time figuring it out, he supposes. Time that will evidently not be as unbearable and intolerable as he had once been certain.

He picks up the now wrinkle-free shirt from the board, folding it as neatly as he can manage, then reaches out for the next one in the pile.

As he turns back again, he catches a glimpse of the window behind him, and the sight is strangely comforting, a reassuring reminder that all is not dreary and bleak; there’s actually something now that he can look forward to. Seeing the sky outside is no longer depressing or fills him with despair, but offers a small sliver of hope.

Can we make Odin even worse? [k]

Odin being an even worse dick, and Fandral an attempted rapist, but at least Loki's befriended a lot of servants
Content Warnings
Make me choose (appreciatethevoid)
Patronage (EndlessStairway)

Forced to Obey

Wherein the fic focuses on a magical effect that forces Loki to follow instructions from the one he's bound to (his Master).

The collar controls his every move [k]

The collar forces him to obey orders to the letter, and won't let him do anything else
Content Warnings
The Thrall Prince (kuzibah)
Must serve his "purpose" in order to eat [k]

The collar requires him to be "of service" before he can eat, talk, etc.
Content Warnings
Tony's Thrall (EndlessStairway)
A mythical powerhouse, enslaved to Steve Rogers [125k]

Loki's own magic forces him to obey Steve, who sets him up as part of the Avengers then mostly lets him lead his life (under orders not to harm anyone, including himself, nor let others come to harm, etc.). Steve gets frustrated with some of the choices Loki makes, especially about casual sex, but he also acknowledges that his sensibilities were created generations ago and he can't expect modern people to abide by his sense of sexual ethics.

What sets this fic apart from all the rest is its sense of worldbuilding, and the way it tackles the messy world of consent and consequences. I've read many variations of the Norse God Loki, but never have I seen any other fic that delves into a Loki worshipped across worlds to the point of developing several core identities, each as real as Loki -- mythos established by mortal belief.

And his relationship with Steve is quite the unexpected rollercoaster.

Content Warnings
He's forced to obey Steve's orders, which Steve uses more deliberately than I've ever seen from Tony -- he's a bit of a drill sergeant. But Steve generally lets him live his own life, aside from forcing him to do good as part of the Avengers, and to not avoid doing good when the opportunity arises.
Brought to Justice (DictionaryWrites)
Best Moments
A cheerful Loki giving the Avengers a hangover cure.
"I refused to be seen by anybody except Heimdall, even Mother, until Odin burst into my quarters as I was bathing.”

“He wasn’t angry at you?” Steve asks, feeling fury flare inside him, but Loki looks tired as he shakes his head.

“Angry at me? No,” Loki mutters, shaking his head. “No, he was… He was angry, and distraught, that I had been violated in such a way. He isn’t…” Loki stops, biting his lip, then says, “He isn’t a monster, Steven. He is foolish, and hard-hearted, and old, but he isn’t evil. He isn’t cruel. He would have killed Svaðilfari himself, if he could have. He knew that I, ever the ergi boy beside his brother, ever the unmanly… He knew I could never stand the shame. He was angry at himself for having forced me into such a corner. He didn’t realize how desperate I was, assured me he never would have killed me, not for something the Council had agreed to. He told the others that I had conjured a mare, and that the mare had borne Svaðilfari’s colt, and that the mare had died in the process. But it was me. Of course, I could never be mother to Sleipnir, even… Even had everyone known. He was just another monster, albeit a useful one. He is his grandfather’s mighty steed, even now.”

Loki exhales, softly. He looks entirely alone, even clutching living books to himself. “Please,” he murmurs, softly, “Do not imply to me that I do not know what I am doing when I use sex to manipulate others. Even if you cannot tell the difference between my genuine desires and those that I use to weight a situation in my favour, I can. I have walked from here to the end of the universe, and back, and now I cannot walk freely. I have fought on distant planets, engendered the greatest schemes, and now I cannot lie, nor deceive, nor even manipulate. There is so little left to me, Captain. That you would deny me even the use of my own body, what scant pleasure I might reach for…”

“I’m sorry,” Steve murmurs.

How about a kid (stolen from Jotunheim)? [119k]

Content Warnings
Odin put a geas on him that forces him to obey his master, without being able to resist (although I've noticed there are times when he fails to obey without realizing it, which runs counter to the geas as explained in the fic). In addition, Loki binds himself with a stronger vow in order to protect his daughter, and that weighs in heavily later in the fic.
Butterfly (EndlessStairway)
But Stark wasn’t looking at him, he was looking out to the balcony, alarm clear on his face. Loki turned, a sudden bloom of panic as he saw Syla sitting out on the balcony. She had her drink by her side, her hands cupped in her lap, and a small golden butterfly dancing between them.

Stark spoke quietly, but quickly. “J, tell me the anti-surveillance measures are active.”

Jarvis replied “I am sorry, Sir. Anti-surveillance protocols only activate for the bifrost, and for Iron Man's take off and landing sequences.”

Stark cursed. He walked over to the doorway, his movements calm and measured, but his shoulders tight, his hands stiff by his sides. Loki held his breath.

“Hey honey,” Stark said to Syla, and she jerked her head up and slapped her hands together, far too late. “That’s a neat trick,” Stark said, “Can you come inside though?”

Syla carefully picked up her drink and came inside, calm because of Stark’s calm tone, but her eyes darted to Loki immediately. Loki knew something was wrong, and so did she. She should not have been outside. Her blue skin and red eyes were clearly visible in the dawn light. She had revealed her magic. Loki could kick himself for not paying attention to her in this new place. She had never before used her magic in the open. She had relaxed here, let her guard down. And so had he.

Impulse Buy (EndlessStairway) -- the restraints react when Loki doesn't obey Tony, or harms him in any way, even accidentally; the effect is brutal
Sent by the Grandmaster for training [k]

Similarly, though he's not specifically enslaved to them: Grandmaster sends Loki to the Avengers for training
Content Warnings
Send Me Back (EndlessStairway)
Bound to all the Avengers [k]

He's sworn to follow orders, but the Avengers don't take it seriously: sworn to obey, and many issues happen because the Avengers don't grasp this
Content Warnings
As You Wish (anonymous)
Bound to Coulson [k, abandoned]

Bound to Coulson, severe, but I forget the details; some jerks drove her out of the fandom
Content Warnings
Reconciliation (Tangerinedream)
How'd you end up in a slave collar? [k]

Variation: Instead of slavery, Loki ends up accidentally getting a slave collar on him, and the Avengers try to help him out
Content Warnings
Things Left Buried (Marzipanda)

Horrific Enslavement

Here's where the truly bad stuff kicks in. You have been warned!

Bound to Clint, and Odin's a sadist [k]

Horrific punishment for disobeying
Content Warnings
Screaming Mute and Seeing Blind (Nonymos)
Bound to Steve, and would prefer death over the collar [k]

Horrific punishment for thoughtless or contradictory orders (to the point where Loki prefers death)
Content Warnings
Tear My Castle Down (Lise)
Evil Tony broke Loki; Tony rescues him [k] (seriously disturbing)

Evil Tony broke Loki, then good Tony rescued him -- SERIOUSLY NSFW; highly disturbing content
Content Warnings
Downward Facing Dog (EndlessStairway)
Tony's turning evil (sorta) and Loki pays the price [k]

The darker version of Tony's Thrall, wherein Tony ends up the villain due to an outside effect, and Loki suffers for it
Content Warnings
The Prince in the Tower (EndlessStairway)

Loki already horribly traumatized from previous slavery, and still being hurt by the effect
Content Warnings
As You Say (LilyAnson)

Just a Captive

If there's no magical compulsion involved, and no real slavery duties or anything, then it goes here:

Bound to Frigga [k]

Content Warnings
Drag the Past Out Into the Light (Coneycat)
It's the best of many options [k]

Hvergelmir sets the idea up, and Idavollr explores it: Loki gives himself over to the care of the Avengers as the best of many bad options. This is him being a prisoner, because, for example, they're able (and willing, if unhappy) to bind him and cause him pain to take his weapons away from him, and it's not something he can say no to (coercion/duress).
Content Warnings
Laying New Foundations (series by Marzipanda)
Morgan knows there's something in the basement [15k]

Morgan lives alone with her dad... except there's someone else, someone making noise in the basement where she's not allowed to go.

Once Morgan and Loki meet (the second time), their interaction is quite endearing. Morgan proves to be both intelligent and caring, and to have a solid moral core, enough to defy even her father.

Content Warnings
The Ghost of Stark Manor (Iamnotreal)
Odin literally locks young Loki up in the treasure vault [k]

Odin puts Loki in the treasure vault; Thor makes long-term plans to save him
Content Warnings
True Love's First Kiss (Coneycat)

Need to double-check where this one goes:

Possession (Oudemia) -- Steve, laws, Chitauri

Content Warnings

Also, this one isn't about Loki, but is the best Slavery AU fic I've ever read: Prima Nocta (Dira Sudis)

Wounded or Maimed Loki

There's plenty of precedent in the mythology for Loki to take on serious wounds, and boy do fic writers have fun with the possibilities.


Clint looks after Loki's recovery [k]

Content Warnings
Piece by Piece (Kairyn)
Odin rips out Thanos's tracker, at great cost [k]

Content Warnings
The High Price of Mind Control Removal (jalendavi_lady)
Thor catches Loki, but his mind is gone [k]

Content Warnings
Freefall (galaxysoup)

Amnesiac Loki

Odin erased his memories, Frigga gave him to Tony's care [450k+ (trilogy)]

Even in captivity with no awareness of the truth, he's a clever prince.

Imagine waking up in captivity to an unknown mortal, with no knowledge of how you got there or why you'd merit captivity in the first place. The mortal sees to your basic needs, but treats you with contempt and basically wants nothing to do with you... and also is under a geas preventing him from telling you specific details about your situation. Then you find that your mother, the Queen, arranged this, paying off the mortal to keep you there, mostly for your own safety.

It's not hard to deduce that you've done something particularly heinous, even if you can't recall it, and that it somehow involved Midgard, and that something bad happened on Asgard because of it.

But since you're here... time to examine that contract, make sure your captor's following every detail to the letter, and start working out the loopholes.

(My favorite part: Loki decides to offset the cost of his upkeep by doing chores (laundry) and writing erotic novels. Which he's apparently very good at, given centuries of experience, a gifted imagination, and his skill with words.)

I tend to think of Slow Burn as having hidden chemistry in at least one direction from very early in the fic, whereas here there's only Tony perving on Loki's exercise sessions, which only start up around ten chapters in. Other than that, Tony can't stand Loki and doesn't care to be around him, and Loki finds his lack of basic respect/manners to be so off-putting that he goes out of his way to antagonize him. I forget how long into the tale before Tony starts finding some common ground with Loki, but they do eventually get together, and the sequels move onto Asgard.

Content Warnings
Queens Grace (RenneMichaels)
Anthony of Asgard (165k)
Stark Intergalactic (85k)

“Your mother, who was fine last time I saw her, other than being worried about you that is, gave that pendant to Bruce.” He fixed Loki with a baleful eye. “Do not ever try to take it off him again. I will show you some vids later so you understand how important that is, without it he turns into a…” Tony cast around, looking for a polite way to express the essence of the Hulk while Bruce was standing right in beside him.

“Enormous green rage monster?” Bruce suggested with a sly glance and a smirk in his voice.

Tony grinned. “Well, I was going to say giant berserker, but hey we can go with that.”

Tony’s expression became more serious. “Anyhow, your mom was concerned that you might somehow piss Brucie here off and he would pound you into the ground. Which you can’t survive in your current state I might remind you.”

“Why would my mother--” Loki snarled.

“Hush you. As I said, we don’t have time for questions and answers right now, so you don’t get to talk, all you get to do is listen.” He took a deep breath. “You were in prison, it wasn’t safe for you to stay in fairy land, your mom brought you here for me to keep you safely confined, feed you, clothe you, give you medical attention as needed and supply you with books and writing implements etcetera, etcetera.” He fixed a gimlet stare on the godling. “For so long as you behave and don’t cause me any grief.

“Now I understand that you are a bit freaked out, and since you didn’t know what was going on and no one was really hurt, I’m going to give you a pass on what just happened. But don’t you ever try shit like that again. Next time your wrist won’t be sore and bruised, it will be crushed to pulp. Understand?”

Loki’s eyes widened and Tony didn’t think it would not have been possible for him to look more frightened, lost or confused if he had tried. And if wasn’t for the bruises and contusions that he had from the annoying little shit, he might have felt bad for him.

“Sir, the time…”

“Yeah Jarv, I’m on it.” Tony patted the arm he had been holding as gently as he could with gauntlets on and then nudged Bruce. “We need to go. Now. See ya in a couple of hours.”

Waving Bruce to go ahead of him, Tony turned and grinned as made it to the door and it started sliding shut, “Now you stay right here and be a good boy and daddy will come back and read you a story before bedtime. ’Kay?”

As the now frosted door slid shut Tony heard an outraged gasp and a pair of livid green eyes disappeared from view.

Is he faking it? [k]

Content Warnings
Tabula rasa (boleyn13)

Blind Loki


Content Warnings
Follow the Blind (StarScreamLoki)

Content Warnings
Stygian (GalaxyThreads)

Good Solid Whump

Surrender (Iamnotreal) -- the Chitauri torturing Loki, and Loki debating whether or not to give in Unweave (GalaxyThreads) -- Loki's been hidden on Asgard after Odin's barbarous sentence, which sewed his mouth shut and permanently damaged the nerves of his hands. Sigyn's a part, and in the end they get back their (enchantment now broken) kids and Odin gets thoroughly defeated and a bad ending

Adventures with Loki

Okay, forget the stuff that makes him always the victim; let's have some fun in unusual circumstances!

One of the Avengers Gets Magic

Okay, I've only encountered two of these so far, but they're striking enough that I'm sticking them in their own sections. Basically, one of the Avengers winds up in some adventure with Loki, and eventually they wind up with magic powers through some mechanism. That's not how I'd typically categorize the fics in question (one's a time loop, the other covers survival on an alien world while Loki has that damn muzzle on), but they're both lengthy and satisfying fics and ones I want to easily locate again.

A Time Loop for Two [61k]

Tony's been in the time loop so long he's forgotten what it's like to interact with actual people.

Content Warnings
Tea with the Hatter (TGIF) (theorytale)

Loki grabbed the lapels of Tony's jacket and hauled him forward and up some. "Listen well, Midgardian. I'm prepared to overlook your transgression -- this time -- but do not think my generosity is limitless. You will not strike me again--"

"Or what?" Tony shot back. This was kind of entertaining, at least. He liked new stuff, and he was pretty sure he remembered that Loki was one hell of a performer.

Someone had triggered the evacuation alarm. Neither of them bothered to acknowledge it. The situation would only exist for a matter of hours, then another version would take its place.

"You will show respect, mortal, or I will teach it to you." Loki's voice went impressively low, filled with sinister promise. Very dramatic.

Tony started to mentally file away the actions that had led to this interaction, so he could re-enact this version if he was in the mood, and then he forcefully reminded himself that Loki was-- different. Part of a much longer version? Global variable, referentially opaque function, it depended on how Tony conceptualized the whole... thing.

"The phrase 'lead by example' springs to mind right about now," he said out loud.

Loki let go of him with a bit of a shove, back into the cafeteria chair. "We have more important concerns to deal with--"

"Funny you should mention that." Tony re-adjusted his jacket and settled more comfortably into the chair. "Now, why don't you start by telling me what the hell you did to time?"

"Why do you assume it's something I did?" Loki said, a little petulantly.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Huh, I wonder if it could be because I've met you. And because you seem to be the only other person who doesn't reset every morning."

Loki eyed him for a moment, cool and calculating, then said, "What else do you know?"

"Uh, let's see." Tony ticked them off on thumb and fingers as he spoke. "I know you fucked up some unnatural hocus-pocus, and kick-started Groundhog Day. I know you've failed to fix it on your own. I know you couldn't resist the opportunity to make nice with your brother knowing that he won't remember it--"

Loki's mouth twisted in a silent snarl.

"--and I know that you came to me because even though you can't stand me, I'm still the smartest person you know." That left one finger. Dammit, if he'd ticked them off in a different order, he could have finished up by smugly flipping Loki the bird. Okay, next time r--

No. There wasn't going to be a 'next time round' of this conversation. It would only happen once, and then Loki would remember it, and they'd… have new, different conversations.

Oh, this was so weird.


There were a few things Tony had found to try out, once he came to terms with the fact that he was actually in a genuine time-loop. The sensation of getting tattooed (hello, endorphin rush), no lasting marks to regret. That was a good one. Sex with men was another one, no worries about anyone deciding to 'go public'. He'd managed to assassinate the leader of every single UN member state, plus the Pope. Cheesy pranks using foreknowledge of people's actions, that was just obvious.

In one version he'd taken the opportunity to tell all the most important people in his life how much he appreciated them. Unfortunately, that had meant the rest of a day with Pepper afraid he was dying again. In retrospect, he could have planned that out better, but it got the urge out of his system.

Another version, he'd set up a game of minigolf on the deck of the SHIELD helicarrier. It had seemed... wait. Had that been another version? Or had it been... before? Back in 'real time'.

He wasn't entirely sure.

There were a few versions that Tony was especially fond of. Sometimes he'd re-enact them, like replaying episodes of a TV show. Drop into R & D and nudge Pete Marasigan into that breakthrough on adamantium nano-structures, then ride the wave of excitement and triumph that spread across the whole floor. Steer the conversation to set up Krupin's perfect smackdown of the microchips released by Barstow Electronics. Drop into Pepper's office with a ridiculous frappucino just at 9:58 as she got off a call that had already put her in a good mood, and watch that soft, beautiful smile take over her face. Replay everything warm and familiar and cozy, and wrap himself up in it.

That wasn't weird. Everyone had favorite episodes. Tony's just involved more audience participation than most.

Stranded on an alien world [396k]

Nat's stuck with a muzzled Loki as they try to survive in the wild.

I do love nonsexual intimacy, and this fic starts with little hints of it then later pulls our two heroes into a nonsexual relationship (I'm not yet to the point where I could say if it's romantic or not); as the author notes, it's unusual for Loki to be defined as an Ace, but it's not hard to justify that reading.

Content Warnings
To eventually get the muzzle off, they have to freeze Loki to the point of apparent death for a few days, not knowing if it'll work.
Echoes (Iamnotreal)

Natasha groaned. “Let me get that straight. You need me to remove the muzzle, so you would be able to get us home? What warranty do I get that you won't leave me here?”

He shook his head.

“That's not an answer.”

YOU CAN'T, he scribbled. IT IS CURSED.

Natasha read the answer, then read it again. Then started laughing. It was just too much.

He patiently waited out her outburst and didn't seem to find it particularly funny.

“Who can remove it?” she inquired, after calming down.



[It was a spell, an old and dark magic, that… Odin used to send him there. It’s extremely energy-consuming, even on shorter distances, like between Asgard and Earth, and it would require a long recovery afterward. That is why Thor needed the cube to take us back, Odin could not muster the strength for another spell that soon. I highly doubt it he would bother with it for one traitor and one petty mortal, even if he knew where we are.]

It didn’t escape her attention that it was his own father that Loki was talking about. Apparently, there was no love lost between those two as well, although she couldn’t be sure if it was just a bias on Loki’s side or a realistic assessment of the situation.

“There’s one thing I don’t understand,” she said, after it became evident he wouldn’t dwell on the subject. “Why did you choose to tell me now? You’ve clearly decided I’m better off not knowing when you first found out. So, what changed?”

He blinked at her, uncertain. Flustered even. It was an interesting look on him. [You deserve to know.]

“Yeah, duh. But why now?”

[You are… kind to me, when you have no reason to be,] he said and turned his head, as if not able to bear her gaze anymore. [You gave me a voice when it was taken. It is a common courtesy to… inform you of all the important details.]

“It’s been… a while since someone used that adjective to describe me,” she mumbled. It was meant to come out a lot more light-hearted than it did, but it didn’t seem like he noticed.

Kind. After it took two instances of him saving her life and a mental breakdown for her to even consider removing his cuffs. After she prodded and goaded him on every occasion she got, without being all that inconspicuous about it. Yeah, Loki’s standards for “kind” were considerably lower than what the definition of the word would suggest, and that alone gave her enough of an insight into his past to earn some compassion.


Content Warnings


Content Warnings

Content Warnings

Content Warnings

Asgardian Family Dynamics

There's a lot to pick apart with the Asgardian Royal Family and associated figures. Tags like Odin's A+ Parenting and Asgardian Domestic Abuse have surfaced, and they're richly deserved and provide a lot of ground to cover. Then again, sometimes an author goes the other way, and showcases the family reconciling, maybe even apologizing, and becoming a stronger family unit than they had been. This section deals with all of that, anything that doesn't better fit one of the categories above.


Content Warnings

Content Warnings

Content Warnings


Hela wants a portal mage [31k]

Content Warnings
Discolored (GalaxyThreads)
Loki brings Hela onto the ship [121k, 13 chps]

When Loki helped destroy Asgard to stop Hela, he didn't leave her behind. They're both badly injured, and Thor's not sure what to do.

Content Warnings
Porcelain (GalaxyThreads)

Content Warnings
Allfather Knows Best (Not That Anyone Listens to Him) (Coneycat) -- longsuffering Odin in the wake of Loki's lipsewing Seven Mighty Warriors (CloudyDay)

Loki's Children

Fics that showcase Loki's mythological children, in one fashion or another.

I've sired many kids, what's one more? [517k, 49 chps]

Loki winds up pregnant, gives Tony the kid and runs off.

I don't know of other fics that have Merlin be Loki's kid, but if you're painting history with Loki's fingerprints then it does make sense.

Content Warnings
Life Is Never Gentle (Cip)
Wandering Child (wanderingchild) -- Loki's a child soldier; his kids
[228k, abandoned]

Content Warnings
Wandering Child (wanderingchild)
Loki's a single omega with his kid Sleipnir [24k, 10 chps]

After Loki's alpha hits his kid, Loki seeks social services; Thor, his estranged brother, becomes his guardian Alpha, and the rest is mostly fluff.

I'm never quite sure how to mark this, but: This is Thor and Loki in a mundane/modern/powerless AU (no connection to original plot/setting), except that it's Omegaverse. Not the same as Omegaverse setting overlaid on the original plot/setting. They're brothers (alpha and omega), grew up together, went their separate ways and then get reunited like a decade later only now Loki's got a kid and a crazy ex and Thor works as a rehabilitation specialist for abused Omegas.

Content Warnings
Past abuse and past child abuse -- the onscreen stuff is mostly trauma recovery and tooth-rotting fluff.
through the dark (maharlika)

“Research has shown that alpha siblings have been most effective in rehabilitating their omega siblings.”

Loki nodded. It made sense. The bond of being litter-mates was different from being mates, but it was powerful.

“I understand your concerns. And of course it is paramount that you choose an alpha you are comfortable with. Thor really is one of our best, though. We couldn’t recommend anyone better.”

“I know,” Loki said, inhaling and exhaling shakily. “Thor just… I’ve always… felt safe around him. Our father was always distant. Not abusive. He wasn’t around enough to be abusive. Thor took care of me. He’s always taken care of me. And when he hugged me that first time we met again… God.”

He rubbed a hand across his face and kept his palm plastered there, feeling his ears turn red. When Thor had hugged him again, for the first time in years, Loki had been terrified, anxious, so nervous he’d thought he was going to throw up. And then Thor’s arms had gone around him, and Loki had pressed his face against Thor’s chest, and every nerve in his body screaming for him to run away fell utterly, blessedly silent.

No one except Sleipnir had touched him in kindness, for so, so long.


“How’d it go?” Thor asked. He kept his eyes on the road, but his hand squeezed Loki’s briefly before retreating.

“We talked about some rough stuff,” Loki said, “but it felt good to get them out. Felt good to cry.”

“I’m glad, then,” Thor said, his eyes crinkling.

“Oh, also—” Loki held up Thor’s sweater. “I may have gotten my snot all over this.”

“Mmm, baby brother snot,” Thor said, grinning. “I’ve missed that.”

“I still have more if you want,” Loki teased.

“Disgusting. Have mercy,” Thor said dryly.

“Daddy, I have snot too!” Sleipnir exclaimed.

“Oh, baby, have a tissue—”

“Can I put my snot on Uncle Thor’s sweater too, daddy??”

“Go wild, kid,” Loki laughed, ducking when Thor reached over to muss his hair up.

“And here I was thinking that we would pass by the bakery on the way home,” Thor said, with an exaggerated sigh, even as he pulled into the parking lot of their favorite local bakeshop. “But if you’re too busy snotting on my sweater to get fresh waffles…”

“Noooo, Uncle Thoooor,” Sleipnir wailed dramatically. “Waffles pleeeease.”

Loki’s body shook with laughter. He tucked his nose into Thor’s sweater and breathed in deep.

He realized, slowly, like a flower unfurling its petals, that he was content. He was safe. He was wanted.


Content Warnings

Content Warnings

Content Warnings

Loki's Kids

Fury or Coulson

The Blood of My Enemy Stains My Hands Now (GalaxyThreads) -- Fury gets Loki on his payroll (and punches Odin in the face)

Traumatized Loki

Ready for the really heavy stuff? These fics pull no punches!

Utterly Traumatized Loki

The slow road of getting free from long-term abuse [k]

Thor's been abusing Loki for so long that Loki has trouble imagining any other reality.

Content Warnings
I Am Yours, And AllOr The Arduous Emancipation Of One Loki Odinson (black_feather_fiction)
Small-town grace and room to heal [k]

Loki gets taken in by a little town and gets to know the OCs while slowly recovering from severe emotional trauma.

Content Warning: The major flashback scene (in Chapter 16) is utterly shocking, horrific, heartbreaking. I'm not easily triggered, but it hit me hard, probably because it seems to come out of nowhere: Loki's just living his calm little life, enjoying such sweet people who let him recover at his own pace, and then suddenly something reminds him of exactly what happened, and BAM!

It's probably the most horrific Odin scene I've ever encountered, and all the hints of what was coming (why Loki had internalized the lesson never make Odin mad ) weren't enough to prepare me for the reality of how far Odin would go when Loki stepped outside the norm. For those who'd like specifics: Loki recalls that Odin slaughtered Loki's mortal husband and young children, then erased his memory, and all because Loki had "defiled" himself by turning himself female and having children.

Content Warnings
Child death, severe homophobia
Darkness, Flooded in Light (galaxysoup)
Thanos used illusions of Thor to break Loki [k]

Content Warnings
Lygari (kaigee)

Suicidal Depression

Why did you deny me my perfect death? [k]

Loki tries to do what he thinks Odin wants, ending the Jotun menace, but of course that's never what Odin wanted and Loki just can't understand.

Content Warnings
Loki's initial effort destroys his foot, and Asgard's not great with handling disabilities.
One Step Away (JaggedCliffs)

Arranged Marriage

Another common scenario: Loki forced into marriage, generally to Thor (in which case they're usually not related, either by blood or raising).

Some of them are flat-out Non-Con (see note on Coercion, below); others are DubCon, and still others fully consensual even if the characters would prefer other outcomes. If any variation on consent issues is a problem for you, mind the tags.

Coercion is non-con packaged as dubcon. If you feel like you can't say no without Bad Things Happening, you can't give a meaningful yes. "My homeland will suffer greatly if I refuse to do this" is sufficient Bad Things to make it coercion rather than consent. (Exception: I don't classify it as coercion if neither side is forcing the issue -- if there's an outside force, typically biology or a force of nature, that sets up the situation. "We both need to survive, and joining together will give us the power to do that" seems like DubCon to me. "I will continue to harm your homeland if you don't marry my son" is coercion, thus non-con.)

Positive Arranged Marriages

While the marriage isn't entered into freely on the part of both parties, both parties are presented positively and try to make the best of it.

It's an Institute You Can't Disparage (Coneycat) -- child bride, but Thor waits until Loki wants it too

Forced Marriage

Loki is forced into marriage or childbearing, and there's no positive spin on that concept. I've also included some where Thor's a rapist but there's no marriage involved.

One child and he's free, if traumatized [k]

After a forced breeding, Loki moves to Midgard and falls for Pepper. Thor isn't understanding.
Content Warnings
Under Calico Skies (Coneycat)
An outraged Tony defends Loki from Thor [k]

Thor's a rapist, forced marriage/concubine, story told in flashbacks
Content Warnings
My Skin (Niori)
Thor's a rapist, and Steve provides an unusual way out [k]

Steve arranges for a mercy death for Loki (sorta)
Content Warnings
Compassion (Coneycat)

Loki Vindicated

Thanos Torments

We Drown Together (GalaxyThreads) -- Thor and Loki both fall, later Peter finds them We're a Mess Now, Huh? (GalaxyThreads) -- Thor falls instead of Loki, and gets brainwashed by Thanos

Loki in Hiding

Fix You (ZappyTiel)


A Seed in Barren Lands (Lizardbeth) No Place to Hide (Storyteller_of_the_Forest) -- Thor dies, Loki rules? Face hell and walk backwards into the light (ravenbringslight) -- ghost Loki eventually recovered Like Lab Rats (GalaxyThreads) -- Loki, Wanda, and Doctor Strange captured long-term and no one looks for them until Peter Vertigo (GalaxyThreads) -- Peter in abusive homelife, tries to hide it I Need a Favor (EndlessStairway) -- Tony begs Loki to heal Pepper Few So Generous (galaxysoup) -- how Frigga handles the throne

Tea with the Hatter (TGIF) (theorytale) The Prestige (black_feather_fiction) Return of Hug Fortress (theorytale) Seven Days (Liraeyn) -- Odin forces Thor to kill Loki Deception, Fear and Redemption (Anchanee) -- Loki claims that Tony's the father of his kid () () () () () I Get Under Your Skin (theorytale) -- soulbonds can hear each other's earworms () () () () Yet to read: Amateur Theatrics (galaxysoup) -- Loki turned into a kid by accident () () () () () () () () () () Schism (bitofageek) -- Loki takes the Tesseract and runs off to hide in a Midgard library or some such (then meets Tony) A Mother's Choice (LokasennaHiddleston) The Several Heirs of Loki Odinson, Prince of the Realm of Asgard (theorytale) -- Loki keeps passing off random monsters as his kids No Barren Moon (theorytale) -- Loki's really in a bad way () () Wings (astolat) () () () Escape (Pinky_Wisteria) -- nice art, and also a comic () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () () ()

Loki's Point of View

Loki and Asgard


Content Warnings

Content Warnings