Marvel (Cinematic Universe) FicsIn Chronological Order

This page still under construction!!

I write Intense Drama and Deep Intimacy. Intimacy of the nonsexual kind, I mean; only about 10% of my fics involve sexuality or Ships of any kind (and they're in their own section).

(I also update sporadically and flit around among many projects, so it might take months for a given fic to update. If you're particularly bothered by that, best find a different author.)

Since 2019 I've posted over 250,000 words in the Marvel fandom. This page covers the bulk of them, organized by where they fall in the canon chronology.

Most of my MCU fics are centered on Loki. A lot of the action is whumpy; a lot of the angst is him trying to recover from the damage Asgard did to him.

Note for Screen Readers

I did my best to provide aria-labels and keep the document order relatively consistent. Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to stick content into a grid and nest sections in a logical manner. So the header hierarchy gets split across adjacent sections: H2 and H3 might be in one section, and the next H3 in the next section.

I hope this isn't too confusing! It's meant to be a two-column layout for any devices wide enough to handle that.

I really am amazed at the level of complexity and the emotional wallop your writing packs. Let me know when you publish professionally, as I would be willing to pay for something this good in book form!
A note on fan comments

I've tried to condense/reword the comments I've gotten in a way that preserves the original meaning/feel. That might mean fixing a typo, altering the punctuation a bit, or rearranging elements of a larger comment (or set of comments by the same reader on the same fic).

Almost all comments are from my main site, AO3; a couple are from FFN, and one's from Twitter.

Also: I've got a bit of a reputation in the AO3 comments section. As encapsulated by the following fan comics: Doctor Zaniida and Types of Readers: (1) Angst Addicts, (2) Slash Addicts, and (3) Zaniida.

I have a liberal Blanket Policy—I'm never stingy with my ideas, and I love seeing others build off them! If anything here strikes your fancy, feel free to create something based on it. (Exceptions would include group projects, since I can't give blanket permission for work I'm not fully in charge of.)

Hover over (or press on) spoilers to see the contents.

P.S. I'm sleepy as I'm trying to hurry up and get this ready to post, and when I'm sleepy I get wordy, so this page might be significantly more wordy than it needs to be (at least until I can go back and tighten it up).


Stories set before the Marvel Cinematic Universe actually kicks off.

Exotic Travails, Sifting Causality, Shadowy Warnings

Dark Sif vs. Loki [1600 Hiatusfic]

Sif sells young Loki to slave traders, who start breaking him in as soon as they've handed over the gold.

Honestly, this is near the bottom of my priority list -- I was following some whump prompts set by a fan, and didn't exactly intend to start a new adventure, but that's how it shaped up. If I get around to continuing it, I'm not sure whether I'll focus on Loki's experiences being psychologically broken down, or Thor's desperate attempts to find out what happened to him, or a mix of the two.

ETA: Have decided to use this fic to just throw in random scenes of Sif being a bastard to Loki. Maybe the reverse someday, who knows. But they're disconnected scenes / scenarios now, and may or may not get follow-ups.

Content Warnings
Psychological torture and a bit of physical torture.
Exotic Travails
Fan Comment
Ohhh I love it! Throw him in to a terrible situation and see what he does with it!
Poor Loki isn't even getting a chance to get his bearings here!
A warning from the future [2k WIP]

When Sif receives a warning from her future self, she must wrestle with her opinion of Loki.

The first chapter could be considered all on its own, but the plan (should I ever get to it) is to have the second chapter be Sif considering Loki's actions and trying to see him through new eyes (less judgmental), and Loki getting kinda weirded out by her change in demeanor (and the rare times she stands in his defense). The third chapter, then, would be how much this "having someone who might be in his corner" affects Loki's decisions during the aftermath of the Jotunheim invasion (possibly including a prelude wherein Loki bitches to Sif about Thor, and she commiserates), because I get the impression that his actions would've been very different if he thought even a single person in Asgard would support him (not counting his mom).

Content Warnings
Discussion of some canonical events that are pretty harsh when stated directly.
Sifting Causality
Fan Comments
Future Sif with her 20/20 hindsight still felt very much in character, and is probably the best person to convince her past self to change her ways, because she knows the right things to say to make herself listen to them.
Great concept, excellent execution. Your characterization of both future Sif and past Sif is spot on.
I bring you a warning [300]

A bargain has been struck, to bring you a better future... at a price.

Shadowy Warnings
Fan Comment

Why must you torture us like this (laudatory)

Set During Thor

I don't think I have any fics set during Captain America: The First Avenger or Iron Man, so let's hop straight to Thor. This section covers fics that happen during the film itself, or in the section between Thor and The Avengers -- Loki's offscreen encounters with the Chitauri and Thanos.

Asgard and Jotunheim

Before the Norns, Blood on the Ice, Icy Diplomacy (and Frigid Aggression), Restoring the Balance, Hard Truths Need Not Stay, The Kitten from the Basket, Elemental Fury / Going Under, Storms and Shadows, Audacious Flimflam

post-Thor but without any other films' input, we have They're Just Mortals, Thor

Prove your loyalty and claim the throne… [10k WIP]

During Thor's coronation ceremony, Odin reveals Loki's true nature, and tells Thor to prove his loyalty to Asgard… by doing the unthinkable.

Content Warnings
Odin tells Thor to kill his helpless brother, publicly. Thor considers every possible alternative, and all the ways they could go horribly wrong.
Before the Norns
Fan Comment
I hope Thor plunges that dagger into Odin's shriveled up black heart. The scale of betrayal and sadism is too large to comprehend.
Victory at a Price [400]

The frost giants have fallen to the might of Mjolnir. But where are his friends?

Blood on the Ice

At first, he’d whooped and hollered, grinning in savage triumph through the blood that streaked down his face. But then his grin had faded. There were no answering cheers—no shouts of victory, no calls for aid. Just… silence, as dead as the world around him.

An unexpected deal with Laufey [18k WIP] (Split POV)

Loki's encounter with Laufey (after briefly getting left behind on Jotunheim) spins things in a whole new direction, affecting the very fate of Asgard.

Content Warnings
Terror and angst.
Icy Diplomacy
Fan Comment
I like that you keep Odin's many contradictions even in his point of view—you neither demonize Odin nor make him the perfect, understanding father right away.

If you'd like to know more about Laufey's mindset in this piece, do check out the comments section, because I discuss it at some length. Also, there's an April Fools' Day fic.

The Basket [1100]

How is Odin a better father as a dog-person than he ever was in canon?

The Kitten from the Basket
Fan Comments
I've been grinning non-stop since I first read "the Basket" and "Kittunheim".

This is far better written than a premise like this usually gets, and I loved every pun-laden sentence of it. Fantastic work.

But now I must guess which dogs and cats these are.

You must believe that [800]

When Loki seeks answers from Frigga, he finds more than he expected.

Hard Truths Need Not Stay
Fan Comments
Loki not fighting it because he doesn't want to hurt Frigga in the process... that sure is some angst
wow. Frigga's almost as much a bastard as Odin
Time for an Attitude Adjustment

Y'know how Loki invaded a planet and got sentenced to solitary confinement for life (and almost execution), while Thor started a war over being called a girl and got sentenced to a three-day vacation with a hot nerdy chick? I mean, if Loki hadn't dropped by to make Thor really sad (and later sent a monster robot to town), Thor might even have gotten sand in his shoes! Such a terrible punishment for all those lives he took.

I don't count "I can't pick up Mjolnir" as a significant down point for Thor because that was basically just "Oh, I just realized that my dad was serious about all this. Crap." Only more melodramatic. Thor basically has two settings, either Sunny or Temper Tantrum, and honestly his vacation doesn't seem to have triggered any character growth other than "Ah, now I must oppose my brother!"

Anyway, if you'd like to see Thor get the smug beaten out of him a bit more dramatically, well, I'm here to provide:

Distilled Thorwhump [3k WIP] (series)

Personal growth ain't a walk in the park.

In Thor, the titular character defies his father's edict, commits treason, slaughters dozens of Jotnar, and sparks a war over being called a girl. His punishment is a three-day vacation before it's all swept under the rug. The film gives lip service to character growth, but doesn't actually show significant change.

This piece gives Thor the chance for character growth in the literary tradition of the seven-step Alchemical Journey, starting with Calcination, the breaking down of Thor's ego.

Which is to say, the first step is to be as mean to him as possible, and man, do I accomplish that goal. Some 17 Whumptober prompts in a single four-page fic that covers roughly 24 hours of everything nature can throw at him.

Then it's a matter of washing him out, dismantling his pride and his pretenses, and letting him come to grips with what he truly is (and what he could be), then remaking him from the ground up. This journey should take place across seven fics, representing the seven stages.

Content Warnings
Um. Pay close attention to the tags, okay? It gets bad.
Exile Ain't No Vacation
Fan Comment
wow. You're really beating the heck out of him, aren't you? The movie didn't do it for me at all, but BOY! I sure feel sorry for the big lunk now
Creepy guy comes in from the storm… [2k]

Darcy's not fool enough to drive into a storm for six college credits, so she's back at the lab when an unexpected visitor drops by.

Now where'd she put that taser?

Content Warnings
General creepiness
Storms and Shadows
Fan Comment
I'm not a fan of Darcy, but when you put me inside her head, I sort of start to like her.
Thor begs Loki to help his friends [1k WIP]

When Covid strikes Thor's friends, he seeks Loki's help; Loki at first thinks it's pointless, but eventually gives in... and later becomes invested.

Content Warnings
I'm not yet sure what all they're gonna go through, but I figure each one responds to Covid with a different set of symptoms, some of which will be severe.
They're Just Mortals, Thor
Fan Comment
Um, thor actually owning up and saying that loki has skills and is worthy? ALL THE YES.
Omg, I love this! You write the Brodinsons so well. :D


So Newly Gone, Hands Off, The Pressure of the Throne, Pain Is Inevitable, Crawl

The God of Thunder, grieving [500]

How can life go on with his brother gone?

So Newly Gone
Fan Comment

It's too bad they didn't show more of this kind of relationship in the movie. Just wonderful, hon. Gets you right in the feels.

Let the pain recreate you [800]

When Thanos finally shows up to take a look at the Chitauri's latest prisoner, Loki has been broken down enough that it doesn't take much to shove him over the edge.

Content Warnings
Torture (more implied than shown, but Loki's in a bad way both physically and mentally)
Pain Is Inevitable

They like him, because his body insists on healing itself. Most of their captives die too quickly, but with him they can have fun.

“Do you wish the pain to stop, child?” the man asks, sinking down to a crouch before Loki.

There’s no right answer. There’s never a right answer, because he has no control here, no way of getting them to stay their hand, not even for a moment.

Agony will break that stubborn streak [2k]

When Loki refuses to yield, Thanos demonstrates how easily he can be made to kneel.

Content Warnings
Explicit Torture: Burning metal bound to the back of his knees.
Fan Comment
So vivid and disturbing. And wholly believable.

Invasion and Aftermath

This section covers fics set during The Avengers and those that deal with the immediate aftermath, including Loki's sentencing.

The Avengers

Fledgling Avengers, Observations in Freefall, Hawk vs. Hammer, Big Green Hugs, To the Victor (and Not Dead, Then, and Figuring Anonymities)

The song of the scepter throbs in his head [4k WIP]

Loki considers the ways he's grown close to his thrall, and distant from Thor.

Content Warnings
Unreliable Narrator: That scepter's really messing with his head.
Hawk vs. Hammer

“Everybody breaks,” the hawk adds, and Loki finds himself pinning the hawk to the wall, by the neck, shaking with sudden rage that seems almost not his own.

I’m not broken,” he hisses in the hawk’s ear, feeling the pulse beating beneath his fingertips.

“Not what I said,” the hawk gasps out, calm eyes betraying not the slightest fear.


Subverting the Dominance, Tremble and Serve, Pulled from the Abyss, Loco Parentis, Let the Ship Wars Begin, Popsicles / Freezer Burn, Cuckoos / Stripped Down to Nothing (again), Ice and Clay, Parrot, Box Socials

Popsicles / Freezer Burn 885
The depths of the earth [13k Complete]

Peter finds Loki captive in mythological fashion but under NYC.

Content Warnings
Loki's punishment, and what he goes through to get free, are not for the faint of heart. Peter has a panic attack. General claustrophobic and nyctophobia setting.
Pulled from the Abyss
Fan Comment
I love the way you write Loki, as more of a calm, level headed person rather than someone who's insane and always angry.

It might be essentially self-serving, but Loki's been in the place of fear and powerlessness, so at least he knows what to say. I love the panic attack scene. It is my new best friend.

(And yes, you have panic attacks down cold. Wish I couldn't tell you that with such confidence, but damn. Yeah.)

Frigga loses her mind [xk WIP]

When Loki gets sentenced to sex slavery, Frigga begs Odin to reconsider -- but when he stands firm, she warns him that he'll regret the decision.

The title is from the Latin phrase "in loco parentis," which means "in the place of the parent," overlaid with the Spanish "loco," meaning "crazy." I don't typically go for foreign-language titles, but this lined up so beautifully that I just had to use it.

Content Warnings
Sexual slavery; not sure how graphic I might get. Seeming insanity. And as swiftly guessed by my readers, Frigga used magic to trade minds with Loki, which means that Frigga is the one undergoing years as a sex slave.
Loco Parentis
Fan Comment
For having sacrificed an eye for wisdom, Odin has consistently, in canon, shown about as much of it as your average toxoplasmosys-infected-rat
Assuming that I've guessed right, you've created such a horrible situation that I am going to have to suspend my disbelief because DAMN, I need to know how things eventually end up, otherwise this will stay in my head and haunt me forever. And OMG, if everyone comes out of this alive and Odin finds out what Frigga put herself through, because of his stupid douchebag decree...Jesus, you're going to need Stormbreaker to hack through all that angst.

This fic also has the honor of one of my favorite comments about my writing style:

All I can say is that Winnie the Pooh is probably looking sadly at you right now and judging your writing choices. In both English and Latin.
“You're serving them now, you don't even see” [2k]

When Loki breaks free from SHIELD's lab, Clint retrieves him easily enough, but the guy's cryptic words stick around in his brain….

Content Warnings
Unethical experimentation. Ableist insults.
Fan Comment
How frustrating for Loki to get so close and yet so far with Clint there to reel him back in. His fatalistic humor is my favorite though.

I'm debating about writing a follow-up, but it's super low-priority. If anyone else cares to do so, feel free!

HYDRA breaks him down much as Thanos did before them [1500]

Loki's been handed over to SHIELD, which is to say, HYDRA -- and they're pulling him apart piece by piece until he serves their will.

Content Warnings
This fic is one long sequence detailing the different aspects of torture between Loki's time with Thanos and Loki's time with HYDRA. Pulls no punches; I think the title is pretty apt.
Stripped Down to Nothing (again)
Fan Comment

Omg my heart! I can feel the hope draining away.

Amazing writing as always!!

Please let someone save him.
Why did we agree to this again? [1k WIP]

Tony convinces the Avengers to dress in drag as part of a fundraising effort. And then to auction themselves off to the highest bidder.

Steve is slightly more in focus than the rest. Also, Thor is in full form.

Content Warnings
Not unless the thought of guys in drag bothers you? This is mostly a chance to be wacky, and to explore how each character approaches the idea of genderplay, on a scale from "embrace it and have fun" to "put up with it, it's for charity" to "bribe people to destroy any photographic evidence."
Somehow I Miss Box Socials

“Indeed, my friends!” Thor boomed, clapping Steve’s shoulder, “tonight shall be an event to feed the bawdy campfire tales of our grandchildren’s grandchildren! Already I have seen us bandied about on the Twitter; many have bewailed their circumstances in being unable to attend.”

“And the photos are going to be up across the world as soon as we step out on stage,” Bruce muttered morosely.

Thor’s grin grew wider. “Why Banner, can this be your first time donning a womanly guise?”

Steve frowned at Thor. “It’s not yours?”

For those unfamiliar with Box Socials: Small-town American fundraiser where the girls make fancy box lunches and the guys bid on them (thus also securing a date with the girl who made it).

They've mocked Loki once too often [1k]

The God of Mischief knows how to give as well as he gets.

I love celebrating April Fools with random crackfics, and this managed to pull in a bit of unexpected angst, plus a delineation of "teasing" (positive) vs. "mockery" (negative). Basically, if the butt of your jokes can't enjoy them, you shouldn't be pretending it's harmless fun.

Content Warnings
Some darker subtext gets hinted at, but not openly discussed.
Ah, Fatherhood
Fan Comments
I like Loki doing pranks as a response to the guys ragging on his kids

I can see why Loki would be pretty angry about the mocking! I think his reaction was quite restrained (and pretty darn funny). You hit the nail on the head in characterizing the relationships between all the characters, especially Clint and Natasha. Loki knows not to go there with Natasha because he's been there himself.

I'd be interested to read Natasha's explanation to Tony about why exactly the mocking was so offensive and Tony's reaction to realizing exactly what he was mocking!

The Dark World

Five Intimacies Lost Over Time, Visiting Hours Are Over (might fit better later?)

How Frigga misses her little boy [500] (Split POV)

Frigga considers the ways her son has grown out of his boyish intimacy with her; Loki considers the ways he'll never have that same connection again.

Content Warnings
Mascara Alert! Canonical character death, and how it affects Loki, there in his cell.
Five Intimacies Lost Over Time
You’re not, he says, and wipes away the illusion with a touch, knowing he’ll never touch her real hands again, and yet not understanding just how immediate that ‘never’ will be.
Fan Comment
You sure know how to twist them screws, girl.
Peter's unexpected friend is kinda terrifying [2k]

The odd parrot who's been following Peter around turns out to be the guy who invaded Earth… turns out he's not so bad, once you get past the prickly part.

Content Warnings
Language (both swearing and insults)
A Stray Parrot in Queens
Fan Comment
Peter wrapping Loki in his webs cuz he thought he was trying to kill himself? Something I can ABSOLUTELY see happening.

Don't think I have anything specifically set during IM3, Winter Soldier, or Age of Ultron yet.

After the Divorce

I don't have much interest in Civil War and haven't yet watched it (though I've seen clips), but it's sometimes useful to have a canonical reason that the group doesn't band together.

Retrospective: Fire; Turtles in a Bottle (?)

Captured by HYDRA, then quarantined [7k] (Split POV)

In the wake of Civil War, SHIELD's resources are running thin. So when Clint gets captured, Coulson reaches out to the only person who could perform a rescue operation solo.

And then they both get stuck together for a while. Plenty of time for interesting conversations and a chance to reflect on their similarities.

Content Warnings
Hollywood-style unrealism. Non-consensual drug use.
Turtles in a Bottle
Fan Comment
I love this chapter, it's both emotional and educational, and I'm impressed how much work you put in the dialogues.


Fics specific to Peter before much else happens.

Web of Trust, Stuck Inside

Real friends help you break into the school lab [2k]

When Peter runs low on web fluid, he gets Ned and MJ to help him break into the school lab to make more.

Content Warnings
One of my fluffier pieces.
Web of Trust
Fan Comment
This is very much in character for all three of them, and I think you nailed their voices.

Ned wanting a better look at the laser-engraved spider is very Ned—as is not wanting the guard to get in trouble.

I was going to quibble about practicality, but Peter getting thousands of dollars in robotics from Stark but no web fluid makes sense, and Peter not just selling the bots (or asking Happy for actual money to get chemistry supplies) is very very Peter. I relate hard to the kind of person who would walk up 100 flights of stairs rather than bother someone for elevator access.

Also, if you'd like to both (a) pick up some new niche skills and (b) have your eyes opened about how much "security" is just "god, we hope people don't try to bypass this so-called lock," I can recommend a jaunt through YouTube's videos on pen testing.

With Peter quarantined, who's watching over the city? [1200 WIP]

Peter and Aunt May have to quarantine, but then Spider-Man winds up still on the news... just acting a bit odd.

Content Warnings
Not yet sure.
Stuck Inside
Fan Comment
Ooh, now that's something to consider: how COVID affects superpowered people. Will their jacked up immune system brush it off? Will it mutate into something worse? Will they absorb and weaponize it? Possibilities.
I love the idea of Loki running around pretending to be Spider-Man, especially because he's actually trying to help Peter out a bit on this and not just cause chaos lol

I don't think I've got anything related to Black Panther or Doctor Strange.


Stories set during or immediately after Thor: Ragnarok.


Magical Attraction, Solace on Sakaar, Lashes, Reforming

If you want them to live, suffer [500]

When Loki tries to protect the commoners from Hela, she offers to let them live -- at the cost of Loki getting whipped for each and every life.

Content Warnings
It's a full page of Loki getting whipped, and trying to bear up under the pain long enough that nobody dies. It's not pretty.
Fan Comment
I really like the idea of Loki sacrificing himself for his people.
ah i loved it!! that pain, and him still thinking at the end that it wasn't enough 😩😢
Everything changes… everything but me [2k WIP]

The Grandmaster's acting weirder than usual, and Loki's about to find out just how powerful the guy truly is.

Content Warnings
Gets pretty creepy. Memory tampering, non-consensual alteration, existential dread.
Fan Comment
Hoooly cow that is HORRIFYING and I love it. The scope, the weight of that existential horror just. WOW.

Unforeseen Friendship


Stories set during Infinity War or Endgame.

Breaking Point

It's the only way to save you [2k]

Loki spent enough time under Thanos's tender mercies that he knows exactly what he must offer, if Thor is to be spared. And all Thor can do is watch.

Content Warnings
Loki offers to join Thanos willingly, holding nothing back, if Thor will be spared.
Breaking Point
Fan Comments
I loved how deep emotions ran all along the text and you really made me feel Loki's pain and fear.
I am legitimately bawling. We deserved this set-up in Endgame and I am still distraught that we didn’t get it. And yet… this bROKE me. I am still crying.

Dust and Ashes and Dreams, Long Odds and Risky Options, Pass It On, Torrent

Anticipating death [600]

While waiting to die, Tony dreams that the Snap got Pepper too. (And Morgan, because I'd forgotten that she was born after the Snap.)

Content Warnings
Depressing statistics.
Dust and Ashes and Dreams
Fan Comment
Hey, I really really liked this! At first I was a bit confused over Morgan being alive, but I immediately accepted it—you write very beautifully.
Tony, Nebula, Peter, and Loki, IN SPACE [8k WIP]

Just when Tony's at his lowest, post-Snap, Peter unexpectedly comes back to life. Then they wind up running across Loki, and the four end up seeking supplies on an alien world.

This piece, I started writing for a fic exchange, only to realize it was too big to finish in time; I turned my energy to Pulled from the Abyss, which turned out great, and this piece here wound up on the WIP pile. Which means I won't be progressing with any speed, but I do have a fair amount written, and it's unlike any fic I've come across so far. I mean firstly, I've seen Loki with Peter and Loki with Nebula, but I don't think I've ever seen the three together playing off each other. And secondly, the setting of a spaceship and then an alien planet is another thing I have yet to read (Loki on alien planets tends to just be Loki on Jotunheim, or one of the other Realms, but GotG made it clear that there's a lot more to the universe).

Content Warnings
Depressing statistics. It does get pretty bloody during one key scene. Panic attacks show up a time or two.
Long Odds and Risky Options
Fan Comment
Holy shit balls! I need to read more of this!! Awesome start!!!
I really like this Nebula. Her comment on "wailing over the dead" as well as the concepts of mercy and sadism are very interesting. She's got this unshakable confidence in her experiences, whether they make her evil or not, and doesn't care to soften her words if they are true. Very nice 👍
No escape [1k WIP]

Thanos has managed to capture a number of Avengers, plus Loki. Tony's just looking for a way out.

I'm not planning a positive ending for this piece; it's here to showcase one possible reason that Loki ultimately gave in to Thanos: Thanos's realm exists outside time, and there is no way to leave until he allows it.

Content Warnings
Torture (offscreen)
A Torrent Carving Inexorably at a Stone
Fan Comment
Welp this is disturbing af. In a good way (for us, that is).

And some Post-Canon: Game Night Newbies, Growing Memories

Nebula doesn't exactly play games [3k WIP]

A spider and a quirky high schooler try to teach two assassins and a Valkyrie how to play modern board games.

Content Warnings
Awkwardness and aftermath of their traumatic pasts. Heavy alcohol use (par for the course for the Valkyrie).
Game Night Newbies
Fan Comment
This is adorable & awkward & fluffy. Weird game, lol, but totally something I could see them all playing ha
Morgan's milestones bring up painful memories [2k WIP] (Split POV)

Three perspectives on missing characters:

  1. Tony keeps having flashbacks about Peter.
  2. Peter keeps trying to reach out to Morgan, to no avail.
  3. Morgan… (TBA)
Content Warnings
Bad things happen to Morgan, but nothing permanent.
Growing Memories
Fan Comment
This seems very in-character and believable. Poor children.

Nebulous / AU

Stories that can't easily be pinned down to a canonical era, or that are set outside canon altogether.

Nebulous Timing

Pepper and Tony

Pepper connects with the Avengers [600]

Content Warnings
Tony's described in a bit of an unflattering way.
Pepper's Five Moments of Intimacy
Fan Comment
I love how the Thor and Natasha sections both contrast Pepper with Natasha in ways both women appreciate.
Pepper will have her revenge [900]

Thor unthinkingly dissed her, the rest of the team laughed along with it, and Tony knows better than to get in her way.

Content Warnings
An odd convergence of April Fools and the early part of COVID.
Foolish Assumptions
Fan Comment
Those would have been pretty good pranks; subtle and detailed. Definitely a Pepper thing.
Pepper scolds Tony concerning the pandemic [800]

In the midst of the pandemic, Tony has been ignoring his health, and Pepper is having none of that.

Content Warnings
Basically a rundown of Tony's less positive traits, and how they add up to increased risk.
Sleep, Water, Exercise, Sunlight, and Vitamin C…
Fan Comments
This is so wholesome
Good reminder to stay safe right now, and it brightened my day! Thanks! Tony was in excellent character.

A Little Mindplay, , Cygnet

Team Fury

Fics that focus on Fury, Coulson, Clint and/or Natasha.

Get off the streets for a minute [2k]

When Fury takes a dunk in the river, Nat helps him hide out and recover.

I love scenes where one character helps another bathe when they can't easily bathe themself. I recall Batman helping his girlfriend in the shower, getting out of a poisoned dress; don't recall how old I was at the time, but I thought it was pretty neat. I think "help bathing" was actually one of the prompts that led me to this scenario.

Content Warnings
Mild eye trauma, breaking and entering, some swearing.
Pit Stop
Fan Comments
This is wonderful!! Sweet and mildly angsty...perfect for Valentine's Day!
Love Nat helping out papa fury
Wingfic Clint [1500 WIP]

Clint gets captured by HYDRA because they want to study his wings.

Since a fic exchange made me consider the possibility of Clint Wingfic, I've been debating various possibilities; this was sort of an attempt to combine them (Clint was born with wings? SHIELD gave him wings? HYDRA gave him wings? why not all three, sorta?). If I ever get around to finishing this one, it's possible I'll write more; I very much enjoy the idea of Hawkeye being able to fly, and it does mesh with certain elements of his misfit childhood.

Content Warnings
Medical torture, though Clint largely dissociates to escape it. Flashbacks are sparse on detail, but include a dysfunctional family with an alcoholic, physically abusive dad, and childhood bullying.
Fan Comment
Ooh I like the idea of Clint being Angel! (Or at least sharing Angel's mutation)

And what's left: Bucky and ensemble pieces -- Rarepair Speed Dating: Bucky Barnes; Fathers amirite?

Fathers, amirite? (1243 words, 2/3 chapters)

Alternate Universes

Most of these are directly based on other fics I've loved; Didn't Sign Up for This was inspired by a comment about a real-life teenager getting abandoned by his family but taken in by the neighbors.

Tony adopts some troubled teens [1700 WIP]

From his hospital bed, Tony entreats Rhodey to watch over the teens he's taken in: Peter, Bucky, and Lukas, all of whom are sorta in hiding.

Content Warnings
Each of the teens has a troubled past; this includes elements of abuse and/or neglect, gang/cult activity, defamation / character assassination, and I'm not yet sure what else. If you were expecting a saccharine kidfic, well, that's not how I roll.
Didn't Sign Up for This (but I'll see it through to the end)
Fan Comments
oooh this makes me really feel the anticipation, there's so much we don't know yet and i love it. i've been looking for a teen fic in this genre for some time now so thank you!! i have absolutely no object permanence so i'll just be very pleasantly surprised when you do update
Oh this is shaping up to be verrryyy interesting!!! Would love to see how these boys all interact with each other!
There is no other way [13k]

When Thor brings Loki home in chains, Loki's convinced that Odin has a dark fate planned for him. He's right—but it's not that simple.

Content Warnings
Briefly gruesome; bittersweet ending.
Acceptable Loss
Based On
astolat's Chaos War
Fan Comment
I'm not sure I forgive you for Chapter 4 but you are one hell of a writer and I will probably read damn near anything you write despite the fact you just ripped my heart out of my chest.

*On hiatus—at a natural stopping point, so it's on the shelf, but I've been persuaded to add two more chapters to show the aftermath.

I must hate them, I must kill them all [2k WIP]

Loki plots the ruin of Asgard—those infuriating dunderheads deserve it.

Content Warnings
Fantastic racism. Loki hates Asgard with a passion and with good reason—and his hate's the only thing that's gonna save them.
Fan Comment
Loki’s rage, frustration and hurt here so well portrayed!

I expect to get back to this one around the same time that I try yet a third piece of work based on Chaos War, as it'll get me back in the right headspace to explore the topic. Until then, this piece is likelywise sitting on the shelf.

Angsty Movie Night w/ Slave Loki [9k WIP]

When Loki has a nightmare, Tony treats him to a movie night. This gets under their skin.

Content Warnings
PTSD, bad families, layers of angst, and plenty of alcohol.
Reclining Butterfly
Based on
Downward Facing Dog by EndlessStairway
In DFD, Loki was enslaved by evil Tony Stark, so he's still very much in slave mindset. My fic is steeped in that trauma, but the details are mostly offscreen.
Fan Comment
I love Loki in "threat reduction mode", especially with someone who would never harm him but his mindset cannot grasp it. I loved how Loki ponders over every single thing that happens… his constant spiraling around what he should do, could feel and is allowed to express.

The fic I based mine on is disturbing enough that I'm not gonna link directly to it. But you should be able to find it easily enough, if you go looking. If you're a Whump lover, not turned away by serious human-rights abuses, and can make it through a massive fic to the end, it's quite a cathartic journey.